Monday, September 13, 2010

Physics of the Golf Swing

Properly swinging a golf club makes a huge difference to your game. Physics is written all over the golf swing, with a good example of angular motion. The twisting action of the golf swing produces torque on the golf club. The torque gives the club angular velocity, producing rotation. Most club heads weigh about the same; to hit a long ball club head velocity is key. At the bottom of the swing the faster the club head goes, the more kinetic energy will be transferred to the ball. Because kinetic energy is proportional to the mass of the club head and the square of its velocity. Generally Pro golfers can achieve club head speed of 100 mph at the bottom of swing. Tiger woods can reach 125 mph. Research done by Raymond Penner physicist at Malaspina University-College in British Columbia. The angle between the club shaft and the club face of a driver, depending on the club speed which there's an optimum lie angle. To illustrate, Raymond found that 7.5 degrees of angle lie would maximize Tiger's drive. However golfers who have a slower golf swing, this angle would be closer to 20 degrees of lie. People will typically try and hit the ball harder by snapping their wrists at the bottom of their swing. According to Theodore Jorensen a golf expert who published works on this subject, found that by doing this snapping of the wrists actually slows the club head down however people think there're getting huge amount of power from this action. How can Tiger, who is 6' 1" and weights 158 pounds, manage having one of the longest drives on the Pro circuit. He is able to conserve energy and focus on swinging the club very carefully using proper technique.

Here are four elements that are key to Tiger Woods swing:

At the back of his swing, Woods utilizes his flexibility to reach far back, extending his range of motion while keeping his rotating torso directly over his right leg.

As he begins his swing, Tiger builds up club head velocity by turning his torso quickly and pressing his right leg forward. Throughout his swing, he wastes little energy by maintaining his position above the ball.

Woods drives through the ball, using his hips, shoulders and wrists to concentrate his force and crate a very high initial ball speed. Within 2 feet off the tee the ball is travelling at around 180 mph - 20 mph faster than the average tour pro.

Tiger allows the club head's momentum to extend his follow-through far around his back, completing a long and smooth club head rotation.

The ideal golf swing, the club should be travelling around 100 mph. The ball leaves the tee about 140 mph with 50-60 rotations of back spin per second. This is what maximizes the distance of the drive.

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