Monday, October 18, 2010

Golf Swing Fundamentals For Beginners

Golf is a game that demands determination, dedication and discipline. It is true that golf swing fundamentals goes the same for one and all but then this game may prove to be a bit challenging for the amateurs.

Hence as a beginner you need to familiarize yourself with the golf swing fundamentals or rather the methods of carrying out a perfect golf swing. While the best golf swing is there, it's elusive as it differs from one person to the other. Knowledge and practice play a major role in the game of golf. Once you get hold of the adequate golf swing, you will find yourself in a much more calm and confident position.

If you are keen on knowing about swing fundamentals, then read on...

Prefer keeping your head still and eyes fixed on the ball. This helps in straightening the alignment of your spine and set perfect aim at the ball. The spine is considered as the axis that helps you in going for a swing. What is intended out here is that you need to maintain a straight posture for best results. Ensure keeping your head straight and nose facing upwards. Prefer placing your shoulder a bit under your chin when it comes to going for a swing. Don't tuck your head into your chest. Instead it would be advisable on your part to keep everything straight as that helps to strike the ball perfectly at the center. If you keep your head straight and keep your eyes consistent on the ball, then I am sure you can over the repeated problems that you face with golf swings.

Your second step involves in assuming a perfect position for your feet as well as knees. Make sure that your feet are perfectly well fitted to the ground. Keep your knees straight so as to allow pivoting to take place. Ensure bending a bit forward towards your waist while keeping your eye on the ball. Lower hip rotation in order to prevent swaying and don't overdo your backswing. This approach of yours will allow your left shoulder to strike your chin upon swinging.

Balance and position are the key points of a golf swing as it leads to good power and consistency. Another thing where you need to focus on is relaxation. Don't be tense as it would simple worsen your golf swing. Keep your muscles relaxed and try maintaining your balance as well as flow with the swing as smoothly as you can. I agree that you may find this a bit tedious initially but with practice things are sure to turn pretty simple. You can keep yourself relaxed by breathing in and out slowly and maintain a position without tensing your muscles. Make sure to retain this position for a minimum of 15 seconds prior to going for your swing practice. Keep your body weight on your feet and avoid getting tensed.

So why look for options when it comes to making your game of golf a successful one! Follow these swing fundamentals for improving your overall game.

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