Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tension Free Golf Swing - is There a Secret

A tension free golf swing is not a pipe dream. I know you've probably tried to achieve it, but have you been successful yet. To remove tension in your golf swing is not pounding more balls. To get a tension free golf swing you need to work on your flexibility. That's your answer!

Tight Muscles Create Tension

The culprit to tension in your golf swing is tight, inflexible muscles. Nothing more, nothing less. Simple golf stretches can solve this problem. Do not take more lessons or hit more balls! I say this strongly. This is NOT the answer! Your muscles will not get any looser by hitting more balls or taking golf lessons.

Break your golf swing down to phases like take-away, top of the backswing, halfway down, halfway through and finish, then implement a simple golf stretch for each position. If you don't want to get that detailed just do a stretch that targets your limitation.

So let's say you can't make a full backswing. You need to stretch the back of the shoulder of your lead arm to get further back. So many golfers don't realize that little muscle called the rear (posterior) deltoid is tight and restricted on most older golfers.

Hitting more balls will not loosen up this specific area. You must do a stretch to get that area looser and remove the tension in your golf swing. Just remember...tight muscles are the cause of tension in your golf swing. You can wish your way to a tension free golf swing, you need to stretch your way to one.

Fitness For Golf

There's a new golf improvement method in town!

It's called Fitness For Golf.

Don't waste anymore money on golf lessons until you fix the "real" cause to your golf swing tension, mishits, and swing faults. You may even find out your golf swing corrects itself once you remove the physical limitations.

A tension free golf swing is just a golf stretch away!

Do you want to discover the secret to creating more power and consistency in your golf swing... AND eliminating ALL your swing faults?

Download this:

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