Monday, May 10, 2010

Improve Your Golf Swing

How many of you golfers out there have spent hours trying to learn that perfect golf swing, that will just send the ball flying off into outer space. Playing the game of golf is just like any other sport; you have to practice at it, before you can improve your golf swing.

In order, to improve your golf swing you need to find out what you are doing wrong. All this can be done while practicing at the driving range. For instance whichever hand you write with, is going to be the one holding onto the club lower then your other hand. Your other hand is going to be at the very top of the golf club.

Now look down and make sure that your hands are holding the club right. If they are then you are holding the club the proper way. Now then, let us look at your swing, how far apart are your legs; they should be even with your shoulders. Ok you should be ready to swing.

When swinging the golf club you are going to want to slightly, bend either your right or left knee from, whichever side you are swinging the club. Place the ball on a tee and sit your club down next to the ball. Now you are going to want to grip the club loosely you do not want a firm grip on the club because this tends to through your shot off.

After you bring the club up you are going to swing down towards the ball. Try to keep your arms bent at all times and follow through with the swing. In addition, as you hit the ball watch which way it goes, so you can continue to improve your golf swing.

You may have to practice several times a day, before you ever find that perfect swing. Moreover, when you find that perfect swing, you will be unstoppable at least on the driving range. However, the golf course itself is a completely different ball game.

Moreover, now that you have found that perfect swing, why not try it out on the golf course a few times and see how you do. When you master that, you could play your friends in a game of golf. They all will be asking questions about how you can hit the ball so far and so good. Simply tell them that if they meet you down at the driving range, you will be happy to show them how they can improve their golf swing.

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