Thursday, May 27, 2010
Top 25 Golf Pro Lesson Modern Driver Part 2
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Sergio García ceremony The Players Championship 2008
Monday, May 24, 2010
Awesome Golf Swing Takeaway Tip
I'll never forget the time a few years ago when my brother in law Steve explained to me how he discovered a major break through in his golf swing. He describes this golf swing takeaway tip as "lightning in a bottle"...the true holy grail of golf!
Steve told me he had been sitting at an 8 handicap for about 4 years and was getting very frustrated at his lack of improvement. He practiced diligently however he had truly reached a plateau in his golf game.
He went through about 4 golf pros during this time and every one of them told him there was nothing wrong with his golf swing. Eventually he started playing less and less golf and was about ready to give it up altogether.
Steve said while on vacation with his family he was browsing through an old book store on Martha's Vineyard when he came across a used copy of Joe Dante's "Four Magic Moves to Winning Golf" written in 1972. He said he couldn't put the book down so out of courtesy to the store owner he bought it.
Steve showed me the book and as I leafed through it I was amazed at all the beautifully drawn illustrations showing how to swing a golf club properly. Andy Brown has since revised this book for the 21st century and offers many media formats to read or listen to the book.
Steve turned to the chapter that explains "the early backward wrist break" and told me this one magic move has totally transformed his golf game! He went on to say how golf pros never tell you HOW to break the wrists during the backswing for whatever reason. Steve believes the first 18 inches of the backswing are the most critical.
Most golfers fan the clubface open early in the backswing causing them to swing the club way too much to the inside...this knocks the swing off plane early in the backswing. Golfers then usually spend the rest of the golf swing trying to adjust so they can just make contact with the ball...not a good recipe for success!
The book goes on to say there should be no open or closing of the clubface early in the backswing...if you correctly perform the early backward wrist break your swing will be on plane early in the swing...Steve says he feels like the club is swinging itself...a truly effortless swing!
I am happy to say that my brother in law Steve is now a scratch golfer, thanks to this one magic move that has transformed his golf game!
When you make the backward wrist break perfectly - only one knuckle of your left hand (right handed golfers) and two knuckles of your right hand should be visible and the golf club should be parallel to your target line.
You pay a lot of money to play this great game of why not enjoy it more by playing the golf you are capable of?
Try this golf swing takeaway tip and build the early backward wrist break into your golf swing and I promise you will halve your handicap in 2 weeks!
Hit 'em Long and Straight!
John Lynch
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Reverse Weight Shift Cure
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Four Golf Swing Drills For Newbies
Playing golf seems like easy-peasy. But when you're already studying the game, you will discover that it is something you should take very seriously. Swinging your club correctly is already a challenge. That is why most newbies usually concentrate on practicing golf swing drills.
If you are also a newbie, practicing golf swing drills surely is a good idea. There are four kinds of drills that are commonly introduced to beginners. It's best that you try all these drills so you can determine on which area your weaknesses rely.
1. Tee Pegs. These are used to aid beginners do their first shot better. They raise the golf ball off the ground. That way, you can easily hit the ball. This is used in golf swing drills, too, especially for developing wider arc when back swinging.
2. One-handed. Do you miss shots most of the time? If so, you need to do this drill. This will help develop your hand and eye coordination. To correct your hitting, you should try to swing the golf club using your right hand. Use left hand if you are right-handed and use right hand if you are left-handed.
3. Parallel Club. This drill will be useful for correcting your backswing angle. As the name suggests, you have to place your golf club parallel to the target. Concentrate on the club while it is on the ground and then reach the highest backswing you can. Check the club's position against your target. You have the right angle if the club is parallel to the target on the ground.
4. Balancing. Doing a perfect backswing is only possible with proper balance. One of the golf swing drills helpful for correcting this is practicing the backswing while you are standing on one foot. If you find difficult doing it, then use two feet as long as they are very close to each other. Try to swing the club without moving your feet. If you can do that, then you have learned balance.
Don't expect to get everything right the first time. It takes some time before you can perfect the golf swing. It's not overnight for Tiger Woods to be a superstar. He started as a beginner, too. Yes, just like you. What's important now is that you are dedicated to improve your skills. Practicing different golf swing drills will help you achieve your goals. The more you practice, the nearer you are to perfection.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Golf Swing Lessons, Tips & Instruction - Tiger Woods Swing Analysis
Today's Golfer - Better Holing Out
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Hip Rotation and Sequence Golf Drill
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Clubface Golf - How To Correct Your Slice 7/7
Monday, May 17, 2010
3 Dynamic Concept Golf Swing Principles
Concept Golf's five swing principles have been proven effective by countless golfers at all levels. The principles are not just theory -- they are what works and what the best players have always done. These five fundamentals cause all of the positive, desired effects you see in the Tour Players' swings. They are based upon the same fundamental athletic motion you use when you throw a ball. They are not scientific, but they do follow the laws of physics. You don't need to think about these things, but having a thorough understanding of the total concept of the swing will benefit you.
1. Weight Transfer: This is the foundation the basic athletic motion used in every ground based sport. It is simply the moving of the body to the back foot to cause the back swinging motion. Then moving the body to the front foot to cause the through swinging motion. It is movement OVER to the back foot. You can accomplish this by picking your front foot up in the air. What happens? All of your weight moves to your back foot. That's exactly what you want to have happen.
By moving all your weight to your back foot you have gotten the mass of your body behind the ball and it is now ready to move back through the ball. To reverse the direction of the swing, transfer all of your weight from your back foot to your front foot. That is all there is to it. Stand on your back foot then stand on your front foot.
There is NO turning, just a lateral move to your back foot then to your front foot. Might your head move when you do this? YES, it will. Is this OK? It is necessary, not just OK. The still head thing is a myth, a folk remedy discussed in The Swing book.
It is the moving of your body through weight transfer that permits the swinging of your arms. This is strength, power, effortlessness, distance, consistency. Other than that its not important.
This principle is intertwined with the next principle, Relaxation. They are dependent on each other. Without weight transfer, relaxation will not and cannot occur. Without relaxation weight transfer cannot and will not occur.
2. Relaxation: This is possible for you, and every golfer, to accomplish. It is necessary for every golfer to accomplish if he is to have any real quality shots success. This is the secret to great distance. It is the secret to high consistency quality shots. Nothing works well in athletics without relaxation. It sems to be counter-intuitive in golf.
You see the green 442 yards away and you drive the ball with all your might. That's seems to be the effective thing to do to make the ball go as far as possible. What happens to the drive? It goes 157 yards slicing in to the trees. The solution? Swing harder. You're really going to kill the ball this time. The result? You do kill it this time. It dies at your feet!!
The golf swing is an expression of centrifugal force. Remember swinging the rock at the end of the string in science class in 8th grade? To make the rock go faster you had two choices; speed up your hand that held the end of the string or make the string longer. PUSHING ON THE STRING MADE THE ROCK STOP, NOT GO FASTER.
That's centrifugal force, that's the golf swing. The rock on the end of the string is the club head. The string is the shaft and your arms. The string attaches at your sternum. To make the club head move more quickly you have two choices; lengthen the string (longer shaft) or speed up your sternum. BY PUSHING ON THE STRING YOU WILL NOT MAKE THE CLUB MOVE MORE QUICKLY, YOU WILL SLOW IT DOWN.
To create maximum speed in the club head requires maximum relaxation in your shoulders. Then the club will be swung without interruption. Your job is to relax so your arms can swing freely, so your club can swing freely and at its maximum possible speed.
Trying to swing your club at the ball with all your might will keep you a 100+ shooter. I promise.
How do you speed up your sternum? With your feet just like you do when you throw a ball. Want to throw it farther, quicken your feet. Want to hit a longer shot? Quicken your feet a little bit. Don't try hard to quicken your feet a lot. A little additional speed in you feet translates to a lot more speed in your sternum and a whole lot more speed in your club head.
Relax your shoulders until it seems they are coming out of their sockets DURING THE ENTIRE SWING and you have increased your club speed exponentially. I promise.
3. Back leg and knee: This is your real source of power. During your backswing, keep your back leg flexed and the weight and pressure on the ball and big toe of your foot. Now as you reach the top of your backswing your back leg is in position to push against the ground in order to push your body forward to your front foot. The good baseball pitchers pitch with this motion. You throw a ball this way , pitch a horse shoe this way, shoot a basket ball this way, etc., etc. your power, and delicacy come from your back leg. It can and will work automatically if you have weight transfer, relaxation and keep you back leg flexed during the backswing.
Did you notice that I spent more words describing the relaxation section than the other four sections? Would it seem that I think relaxation is important?
Now, relax your shoulders and go play golf. The five Concept Golf swing principles are not five things to do but a whole concept to understand.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
SWINGBUILD GOLF - The One Correct Swing
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Tension Free Golf Swing - is There a Secret
A tension free golf swing is not a pipe dream. I know you've probably tried to achieve it, but have you been successful yet. To remove tension in your golf swing is not pounding more balls. To get a tension free golf swing you need to work on your flexibility. That's your answer!
Tight Muscles Create Tension
The culprit to tension in your golf swing is tight, inflexible muscles. Nothing more, nothing less. Simple golf stretches can solve this problem. Do not take more lessons or hit more balls! I say this strongly. This is NOT the answer! Your muscles will not get any looser by hitting more balls or taking golf lessons.
Break your golf swing down to phases like take-away, top of the backswing, halfway down, halfway through and finish, then implement a simple golf stretch for each position. If you don't want to get that detailed just do a stretch that targets your limitation.
So let's say you can't make a full backswing. You need to stretch the back of the shoulder of your lead arm to get further back. So many golfers don't realize that little muscle called the rear (posterior) deltoid is tight and restricted on most older golfers.
Hitting more balls will not loosen up this specific area. You must do a stretch to get that area looser and remove the tension in your golf swing. Just remember...tight muscles are the cause of tension in your golf swing. You can wish your way to a tension free golf swing, you need to stretch your way to one.
Fitness For Golf
There's a new golf improvement method in town!
It's called Fitness For Golf.
Don't waste anymore money on golf lessons until you fix the "real" cause to your golf swing tension, mishits, and swing faults. You may even find out your golf swing corrects itself once you remove the physical limitations.
A tension free golf swing is just a golf stretch away!
Do you want to discover the secret to creating more power and consistency in your golf swing... AND eliminating ALL your swing faults?
Download this:
Friday, May 14, 2010
Golf Swing Tempo - 1 Simple Key to Curing a Golf Slice
Golf swing speed is an important part of your swing.
The reason for this is that if you are too fast, or fell from the top of the backswing then you increase the likelihood of your swing from outside the club at impact.
And this will certainly mean a big old banana ball.
The speed that you swing a golf club will depend largely on your makeup and temperament. Many people have slow metabolism and speedtheir daily life .. and this helps them when they clearly Club is a golf swing.
But the vast majority of golfers swing too quickly.
This, combined with a less than perfect turn, will lead to all kinds of problems. Maybe you have a good pace for an average of away swing .. because the added control and allow you time to have some moves for compensation.
But a bad step, usually one that is too fast, combined with aimperfect swing will lead to disaster.
Most amateur golfers need to work on their golf swing tempo..and most golfers need to slow it down.
This can be difficult, especially when you are under pressure or coming towards the end of a round or hitting a really important shot in the course of a round.
But all is not lost and you can train good tempo if you don't have it naturally. One of the ways is to practice without a golf ball and count to yourself or out loud as you do so.
Taking away the ball removes the urge to 'kill' in your downswing and will help you develop good golf swing tempo.
One of the best tricks is to count '1' as you start your backswing,'2' when you get to the top of your backswing and '3' as you swoosh through the ball.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Golf Pro Lesson Repeat Your Practice Swing
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Top 25 Golf Pro Lesson Watchdog Power Fade
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Golf Tips - Tempo
Monday, May 10, 2010
Improve Your Golf Swing
How many of you golfers out there have spent hours trying to learn that perfect golf swing, that will just send the ball flying off into outer space. Playing the game of golf is just like any other sport; you have to practice at it, before you can improve your golf swing.
In order, to improve your golf swing you need to find out what you are doing wrong. All this can be done while practicing at the driving range. For instance whichever hand you write with, is going to be the one holding onto the club lower then your other hand. Your other hand is going to be at the very top of the golf club.
Now look down and make sure that your hands are holding the club right. If they are then you are holding the club the proper way. Now then, let us look at your swing, how far apart are your legs; they should be even with your shoulders. Ok you should be ready to swing.
When swinging the golf club you are going to want to slightly, bend either your right or left knee from, whichever side you are swinging the club. Place the ball on a tee and sit your club down next to the ball. Now you are going to want to grip the club loosely you do not want a firm grip on the club because this tends to through your shot off.
After you bring the club up you are going to swing down towards the ball. Try to keep your arms bent at all times and follow through with the swing. In addition, as you hit the ball watch which way it goes, so you can continue to improve your golf swing.
You may have to practice several times a day, before you ever find that perfect swing. Moreover, when you find that perfect swing, you will be unstoppable at least on the driving range. However, the golf course itself is a completely different ball game.
Moreover, now that you have found that perfect swing, why not try it out on the golf course a few times and see how you do. When you master that, you could play your friends in a game of golf. They all will be asking questions about how you can hit the ball so far and so good. Simply tell them that if they meet you down at the driving range, you will be happy to show them how they can improve their golf swing.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
How do you keep your head in the game by Staying focused
My wife Roz and I'm just a golf tournament on TV and think about how these professionals are able to play, always in my head. We are both golfers and I really can not imagine what it would take so stay focused all the time. I do not care if a professional is a leader in the tournament or dead last, his focus never changes.
One of the leaders in this tournament is a player named Billy Mayfair. He served on the Pro Tour for at least 20 years.The last tournament he won was in 1998. It 'amazing that he remained committed enough to this game, not win with stand nearly 12 years, but he never left. The reason, he is the leader of this weekend because of his ability to stay focused.
I know that their work and do their job well will always be in focus. How do you stay focused in your personal life and your business? Let me ask a few questions.
If you have been around for a few hours, or sittingTravel by other modes of transport, and I wonder how long it takes to get to work? Do you often wonder what am I now walk in? "You might think:" Today is the day I shot for the economy. "
He has many thoughts through your head before you even get to work. I knew too many years. And by the time I got to work, I was exhausted, and therefore should have produced.
I know many of us have to work, but there are otherOptions. I have to work from the comfort of my home for years. I do not know to ask "DO Yous' anymore, because I work for myself. If I did not stay focused, work, above all, without someone Watching Over Me, my company would not have happened.
You can do the same if you keep your head and stay focused in the game. Remember, something good and good for someone today, knowing that they never repay you can view and change the world one person at a time.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Ernie Els Swing Tip
Plane Stick Golf Swing Plane Training Aid
Friday, May 7, 2010
Golf Swing Takeaway
The golf swing takeaway is a 1 piece takeaway. To achieve this, here's what we need to do.
1) Keep the left and right forearms straight during address. The arms are relaxed and pointing down. This allows consistency in our setup. The distance from our hands to the body is about 1 palm distance.
2) Imagine a triangle formed between the left and right forearms.
This triangle is maintained in the 1st part of the takeaway.
3) Move this entire triangle to the right during the takeaway.
4) Do not rotate the hands, wrist, or cock the wrist early in the takeaway. Focus on keeping the forearms straight, especially the right forearm. This ensures a wide takeaway and allows the wrist to cock naturally.
5) Once the hands reach around the waist level, allow the shoulders to turn to complete the rotation. A tthe top of the swing, ensure that the left wrist is not cupped or v shaped.
Another point to take note of is the rhythm and tempo. A good rhythm is 1, 2, 3. Count 1 initiates the takeaway, Count 2 is when we reach the top, Count 3 is the transition from backswing to downswing. A slow takeaway and straight right forearm, results in a wide and slow backswing that results in alot of torque and prevents us from jerking down the club too quickly in the downswing.
Last point to note is to maintain the right knee bend angle and prevent it from straightening during the takeaway. We can do this by imagining that we're sitting down on a high chair and have the pressure on the balls of our feet. This provides enough flex in the knees. Be careful not to flex too much also. We should have the right amount of tension in the muscles to maintain the correct angles in golf, and yet not too much that we get all tense and uncomfortable. Everything in the right proportion will allow us to build a nice and enjoyable golf swing.
What Are the Best Golf Swing Trainers and How to Get the Most Out of Your Golf Swing Training Aids
When most people discuss golf swing trainers, they mean those modified hinged clubs made by Medicus and Momentus. These clubs are meant to help you train and perfect your golf swing mechanics. When you swing your club wrongly, these trainers will "break" apart.
Do these golf swing trainers work? Yes, if you know the theory of how to swing your golf club correctly. In addition, you need to know if you are using a one plane swing or a two plane swing. Tiger Woods and Vijay Singh use the one plane swing, while Jack Nicklaus and many other golf pros use the two plane swing. Which type of swing is that golf swing trainer designed for? If you have any doubts, write in to the manufacturer and ask them. Face it, these things are not cheap.
Companies like Medicus and Momentus produce golf swing trainers for both drivers and irons. Their golf swing training drivers are the most useful. Face it, you will use your driver 10% to 20% of your time in a round of golf, but use each iron only two or three times. Getting the golf swing trainer for the driver will give you the most bang for the buck. Another machine you may find useful is the golf swing plane trainer. This is a pretty bulky machine, available in some golf clubs and golf schools. Golf instructors sometimes use it to help train their students to master the correct golf swing mechanics. Used correctly, this machine will help you to master the correct tempo and swing your club in the correct plane.
By far, the cheapest and most useful golf swing training aids are golf club training grips. The training grip will teach you how to grip a golf club correctly. You will be surprised how many weekend golfers find their slices and other golfing problems disappearing once they learn how to grip their golf clubs correctly. Amazon is selling these training grips for $5 to $15. However, it is better if you get it from your local golf shops or golf schools, where they can help you get the correct fit. Unless you have a big budget to blow, you should get your putter fitted first. After all, you spend 30% to 40% of your time on the green. The next clubs to get fitted would be your wedges. Most golfers spend another 15% to 20% of their time chipping up to the green. Last is your driver.
Another excellent golf swing training aid is a video camera and tripod and plenty of cheap golf balls. Just spend some time capturing a video of yourself swinging your club at hundreds of golf balls and you will soon see your most obvious mistakes. When you can no longer spot any mistakes in your golf swing techniques, this is the time to schedule more advanced golf swing lessons with your local pro.
My favorite golf swing training aids are the video camera and training grips, followed by golf swing trainers for drivers. Combine these with some judicious help from your local golf pro, and you will quickly lower your golf handicap.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Jordan Mann Golf Swing 4-iron
PurePoint Golf Video Lessons - Timing in the Driver Swing
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Fixing Charles Barkley's golf swing
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Stack and Tilt Golf Swing by Medicus Golf GetStacked Dvds.flv
Monday, May 3, 2010
Golf - Do You Have The Right Swing?
Everyone has the same basic golf swing elements. They have a backswing, downswing and a follow through. I think we can all agree on that. Where we are all different is in how we go about doing it. And to put these three elements together with speed and power require a great deal of practice.
Have you ever noticed out on the golf course that no two golfers have the same swing? We all have our own unique golf swing and what may work for one person may not necessarily work for another. We all have to find our own individual playing style and then practice with it. In order to become proficient with golf, you must practice the fundamentals. Only then will you be able to create a consistent, smooth and powerful golf swing. Every PGA pro has done this and that's why they are so good.
Here are the key elements to any golf swing. Before you begin your golf swing you want to relax. Take a couple of deep breaths and get a mental image in your mind of your golf swing and where you want your golf ball to go. Then grip your golf club firmly, but not tightly. Continue to visualize your golf swing.
As you take the club back in your backswing make sure it is in a smooth one piece takeaway. Take it back until your hands are at the top of your right ear. If you look at the PGA pros you will notice that the club head is almost at a 90 degree angle at the top of their backswing.
Next, as you begin your downswing let your hips begin to move around first. This will give you the power in your golf swing you're looking for. Your arms will immediately follow your hips and carry the club down through the golf ball and toward the target.
As you follow through do not stop your golf swing. Be sure to let your body continue in one fluid motion.
Here are a few simple tips to keep in mind while focusing on your swing thoughts:
o Your left elbow should remain straight as you take the club back during your backswing.
o Keep your wrists at a 90 degree angle as your left arm remains parallel to the ground.
o Always begin your downswing using your hips and lower body, not your shoulders. This is a vital point.
o As you start bringing the club down, turn your hips in one powerful motion towards your intended target.
o Just as you are about to strike the golf ball, snap your wrists and begin your follow through. This will help you to generate greater power.
o On your follow through your right arm should end up near your left shoulder.
o Your feet should always be balanced throughout the golf swing.
There is no set golf swing for everyone. You can't just pick up a golf club and swing it at the golf ball as hard as you can. There are just so many different variables in developing a consistent golf swing.
It will take a lot of practice and persistence to develop your golf swing. Give yourself time and practice often. Consider taking golf lessons from a professional in forming a good quality golf swing. The money spent on getting these lessons is priceless. Above all else, have fun and enjoy yourself. Golf is a great game and getting the right swing will make it that much more enjoyable.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
How to swing a golf club like Tiger Woods
Golf Swing Improvement For Beginning Golfers
Improving a golf swing is one of the questions that nearly every golfers asks at some point or another. This isn't limited solely to beginning golfers or amateurs either, but even professionals. That might explain why it is one of the most often searched for terms on the internet today. At times it seems like everyone in the world is concerned with improving, or bettering their golf swing.
What is it about the golf swing that makes it so important to the world of golfing? For one thing, there is no golfing without a good golf swing. It is the number one, most important thing in the world in regards to golfing. Think for a moment about Jack Nicklaus or Tiger Woods. Would either man have become so famous and wealthy if it weren't for a great golf swing.
The problem that arises, is that many people think they are the next Jack Nicklaus or Tiger Woods simply because they have a great golf swing. While they may have the swing, there is much more to becoming a professional golfer. Many of those golfers will spend the majority of their life on the road, constantly separated from their loved ones, and missing those important dates like birthdays and graduations. You also have to consider that you need to stay completely focused and dedicated to the profession.
If you are simply looking at improving your golf swing because you want to play better, and need a few good tips than good for you. The first thing you should do is call your local golf course, and ask if they have professional on staff. If so, make an appointment immediately. A golf pro can provide valuable insight into the world of golf, including offering you tips on how to improve your golf swing. You can take one lesson, or multiple lessons depending on your needs.
You may also want to consider taking part in a golfing school to learn more on how to improve your golf swing. These schools can be found all over the United States and even in other parts of the world. The school usually provides a hotel room in the cost, though they may simply give you a list of nearby hotels. You can choose to take part in a 1 day, 3 day, or 5 day school. In some cases the school may also offer one and two week schools. You can learn everything about golf by taking part in one of these schools.
Improving your golf swing can be as simple or as complicated as you like. Those who are truly dedicated may find that a one week school is the perfect option for them, while others are more content with a one day lesson. The choice is up to you.