Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Fix Your Golf Swing Faults - Fast

How many hours have you spent (wasted) trying to correct a golf swing fault?

I know that when I first starting learning this game it was really just an endless succession from one swing fault to the next. I'd apparently fix one, but the compensation patterns that I adopted to do so would lead to another...and another...oh friggin' brother!

I began to study this frustrating issue from a neuro-muscular (brain-muscle) standpoint. And then it all began to make sense. It was somewhat de-moralizing, but at least it made sense.

What I discovered is that our bodies and our brains put together what is called a "motor engram". This is basically a movement pattern that becomes programmed into our computer (brain).

You develop motor engrams all the time for repeated tasks. For example, most everyone can stick their car key into their ignition without one bit of thought. Your body/mind has a motor engram that knows the height and angle for the key to fit perfectly, without you thinking about it.

Get a new car, however, and you're going to miss quite a few times. At the very least you are going to have to think about it, until you establish the new motor engram.

That's exactly what happens in the golf swing. Your body/mind has a motor engram of "golf swing". And then you go and change the position of the ignition! Of course there is going to be trouble.

And here is the really sad news - science tells us that it can take up to 10,000 repetitions of a movement to UNlearn a motor pattern and RElearn a new one.

So there you have it...when an instructor or golf magazine tells you that it takes TIME and PRACTICE to change your bad habits, they have science on their side.

Fortunately for all of us, there is a better way.

The emerging field of energy psychology (EP) can quickly and easily accelerate your golf swing changes. EP can "clear" negative feelings and emotions by "tapping" on certain points on the face and body, while focusing on the feeling. What I realized is that the major problem with implementing new golf swing mechanics is that they usually felt awkward, uncomfortable, weird, etc. So EP can eliminate those feelings, by-pass your current motor engram and dramatically reduce your learning curve.

Instead of 10,000 repetitions, your golf swing can feel comfortable and confident in 1 minute. By getting past your imperfect motor engram, your learning curve will be dramatically reduced.

Change is good. Change at lighting speed is even better.

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