Friday, August 20, 2010

Golf Swing Basics

Golf is a technical sport which can be thoroughly enjoyed if one takes the time to learn and perfect their golf swing basics. With the right swing one can marvel at the distance he hits the ball. Therefore, this article will briefly discuss the important golf swing tips that can be implemented to improve one's swing.

A perfect golf swing requires mental focus. The player is advised to make a mental note of the direction he wants to hit the golf ball and the land he wants it to fall on. The golfer is also advised to have immense concentration when hitting the ball, to be able to direct it to the fairway. By implementing this golf swing tip, the golfer will not lose focus and hit the ball to the woods or pond.

Great golfers like Tiger Woods recommend the golfer to learn gripping the handle of their golf club. They warn against gripping the handle loosely or tightly. Loosely gripping the handle makes the golfer slice the ball instead of hitting it while gripping the handle tightly makes the golfer hook the ball instead of hitting it into the desired direction.

While making the backswing the golfer should maintain a downswing to enable him hit the ball with the required impact because the he will generate momentum. This is achieved by implementing the pivot movement during the back swing which is achieved by keeping the left shoulder and hips in the correct alignment. Thus with the above tips golf will not appear technical.

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