There are many golf swings to learn and the most important is putting. Putting appears easy to do, but you better have a sense of humor and a great deal of patience because there are days when it seems the hole is determined to do a hot potato dance and no golf ball will enter. Therefore, putting is a golf swing needing an angel to keep the devilment of your anger subdued.
Do not hesitate, take putting lessons. Work on your drills, and practice and practice. Learn how to bite your tongue and voice vulgarity in your mind because it will be frustrating. The most important tip in putting is to look directly over and at the ball and keep your head as still as you can.
You will discover there are putting techniques to learn, but:
Good putts come from kinetic abilities and these are impossible to teach
You need to feel what you are doing
You need a magic touch
You need calm nerves
You absolutely need to have an angel roll the ball into the hole Try this physical technique to get started:
Grip - palms face each other and allow arms to swing in a triangle formation
Stance- heels are shoulder width or closer; be comfortable
Body is square to the target line
Flex knees
Eyes directly over ball
Treat putts as striking straight, but place the golf ball 2" to the right of the hole Putters to consider are:
35" Standard
42" Belly putter
46" Long putter It becomes your choice as to which length you wish to use. To execute be in a comfortable stance, visualize a triangle with the width of the triangle in line with your shoulders and the point of the triangle pointing to the grip. Let the putter swing side to side like a pendulum, but do not exceed shoulder width. Stay within the triangle.
Waggle which means get into a comfortable stance and balance
Mentally prepare - Visualize your imaginary target line, but place your ball about 2" away from the target line. The shortest distance from point A to point B is a curved line. Have you noticed how the golf ball curves into the hole? By placing the ball 2" from the target line you will notice the ball traveling straight, curve away from the target line towards the hole, then drop into the hole. Do practice drills for both your short and long putts. Work on speed and distance. There are different types of grips. Try different methods until you find what works for you.
And to help you on your way for putting a golf swing visit the hobby page of Tricia Deed at and review The Golfswing Book.
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