Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Is Your Golf Swing Over the Top Golf

If your golf swing is over the top you need to keep reading for your solution. The over the top golf swing is one of the most common swing faults among amateur golfers, and the result is an ugly slice. To fix this golf swing fault is not easy, and most golfers take the wrong approach. They are treating the symptom not the cause. Just like your health, you should always look at the underlying cause, never the symptom.

When you think of your body coming from over the top, don't you think it's a physical issue? What I mean, is your body is built to do certain things, and if it can't do a physical move that's needed, don't you think it NEVER will unless...you address this physical issue?

Do you want a simple solution to your over the top golf swing fault?
al limitations, you will have a "ah ha" moment and be on your way to many years of fun golf!
You might not like what I'm going to tell you as it does not involve more lessons (more money), or even hitting more balls.

You need to stretch and strengthen your core golf muscles.

These are the muscles that will allow you to get your lower body moving first while your upper body is then able to stay back and drop into the slot instead of constantly coming over the top.

Does that make sense?

These exercises are simple exercises you can do in your home in minutes, but you must be consistent with them to eliminate this swing fault.

Another thing!

These exercises and stretches MUST be rotational as that is the requirement of your body when swinging your golf club.

Just think...the more you can utilize your legs as your upper body stays coiled will create tremendous torque and power in your swing. Without swinging any harder you will no launch the ball farther than you have in years!

Once you start realizing that most of your swing faults and deficiencies are "caused" by your physical limitations, you will have an "ah ha" moment, and you will enjoy many years of fun golf!

Do you want to discover the secret to creating more power and consistency in your golf swing.

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