Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Golf Fix: Lengthening Your Swing

The Golf Fix's Michael Breed reaches deep into the mailbag and shows how a towel can elongate your swing. Watch The Golf Fix Mondays 8 pm ET only on Golf Channel.


Monday, November 29, 2010

Golf Swing Training Aids

Everyone is looking for the best golf swing training aid that will straighten out that slice or make the ball stop like a dime when it lands on the green. And are there a lot of them out there just waiting for you and your hard earned money. You can find footprints that can help you stance, specially designed golf balls, contraptions that hold you still as you duplicate that perfect swing and many mechanical devices. There is also a full complement of videos, DVDs, books and diagrams, all guaranteed to shave shots off your score.

Some of these teaching aids are great and some are complete rip offs. The secret is to decide exactly what part of your game you need to improve and then find a teaching aid that focuses on that particular golf skill. Then, use the darn thing. Not just on your way to the course , but set up a daily schedule and follow it. Maybe its only for ten minutes, but that's fine. Simply put, golf swing training aids help your body memorize the correct muscle movement as you swing the golf club. The more you repeat the exercise, the faster your brain will retain the action and send the plan along to the appropriate muscle groups. The PGA pros didn't develop their great golf swings by accident. They all spend thousands of hours swinging all of their golf clubs in every possible situation they can experience on the golf course. That's why is looks so easy on Sunday afternoon.

Most amateurs are interested in golf teaching aids that focus on the actual golf swing. However, a training aid that works for your driver, probably won't help make that delicate chip shot a few feet from the cup. They are completely different golf shots and use different muscle groups. Therefore, it is best to shop for a training aid that specifically addresses the specific part of your golf game you want to improve.

Before buying, do some research. The best place for this is online. Google golf training aids and start to check out some of the web sites that show up in your browser. Don't get drawn in by the hype. Remember, you are simply gathering information. The buying comes later. Is the site, just selling, or do they offer helpful information about improving your golf game and specific reasons why their product will solve your problem. A great place to get information is the FAQ page. If the web site doesn't have one or it is stuffed full of hype, go somewhere else.

Make sure the web site is not a one product wonder. Credible online golf training aid web sites offer a wide variety of golf teaching aids. This lets you know they are professionals and serious about their business. Finally, see if any "name" golf professionals endorse or even better, participate in developing and presenting some instruction with their training aids. The men and women have a reputation and simply aren't interested in promoting a training aid that won't help the golfer.

Finally, make sure there is a good instruction manual or video that comes with the golf club training aid. Nothing is worse than not quite understanding how it works and then finding out it was being used incorrectly.

Whatever golf training aid you choose, stick with it. Believe in it and above all practice with it.

Copyright golfequipmentandtips.com Golf Swing Training Aids

Sunday, November 28, 2010

PurePoint Golf Video Lessons - Check the Club Head is Square at Impact

Here's a great little check from PurePoint Golf to check if your club head is going to be square when you bring the club head down in your swing. www.purepointgolf.com


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Get Your Golf Sand Game On Track And Knock It Close To The Pin

Many golfers struggle with their sand game which is unfortunate. For the pros, the sand is one the easiest shots in golf. Many pros actually prefer to be in the sand if they miss a green as opposed to being in the rough. When playing out of the bunker, your lies are more consistent, you usually know what you are dealing with. When hitting chip or pitch shots out of the rough, depending on the lie and how long the rough is, different outcomes can result more easily.

When you find yourself in a sand trap there are a few helpful keys which can get you out and close more often. First of all, in the sand you want to open your stance and your clubface. If you visualize a clock, 11 o'clock is where you want the line of your feet to be pointing. 12 o'clock is your target line where you want the ball to fly out towards. 1 o'clock would be the degree to which you open your clubface. This will enable you to naturally swing from a more out to in swing path and make it easier to pop the ball out and get it close to the hole.

Make sure to play the ball all the way forward so it is off the middle of your left foot. It is very important to keep your weight more forward in the sand. You want to have about 60 percent of your weight on your front foot and keep it there as you make your complete swing. This will allow you to hit down on the sand behind the ball and get the ball up in the air.

You want to make your full golf swing out of a sand trap. It's good to aim a couple of inches behind your golf ball because you want the club to enter and hit the sand first before the ball. You can vary the length of your bunker shots by the length of your follow through. A longer pin will require more follow through. When hitting to a shorter pin, you can stop your follow through about halfway but just make sure you are not decelerating at all when hitting the shot.

For more great golf swing tips and strategies, check out More Golf Swing Tips.

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Bad Golf Swing

We all can't be pros, but we can avoid making simple mistakes. If you have a bad golf swing, it may not be because you're a bad golfer! Here are some simple things to keep in mind that may help you avoid a bad golf swing.

Don't Underestimate The Set-up

The main ingredient in most bad golf swings is not the swing itself; it's actually a lousy set-up. The address is considered by some golfers to be more important than the actual swing.

The biggest mistake golfers make with their set-ups is that they just don't pay enough attention to them. This is the kiss of death! If you just run out there and start whacking at the ball, it doesn't matter how good your swing technique is. Your poor set-up will ruin it for you.

The key is consistency. Your set-up should be EXACTLY THE SAME each time! You should painstakingly look at that set-up and get it spot-on perfect each time.

Some people love gazing at themselves in mirror, and others cringe when they see the bulges popping out here and there; for golfers, I recommend getting over your vanity or shame and checking out your set-up in the mirror. The important thing is that you find the set-up that's most suitable for you and stick with it!

Bad Posture Is A Killer

Another easy thing that's often overlooked is posture. Your back should be straight, chin up and eyes forward. You are guaranteed a bad golf swing if you are hunched over the ball, with your head to the ground.

Posture and balance are two things that a little practice can help. It may seem silly, but you should get yourself into good habits. If you practice keeping your back straight and chin up, you'll get that perfect posture in your muscle memory and you won't have to worry about it anymore.

The Dreaded Chicken Wing

Save the chicken wings for when the game is over! While a basket of chicken wings is a nice after-game snack (that you will work off exercising later, OF COURSE!), they are not recommended while you are taking a swing.

A "chicken wing" means that you are letting your arm and wrist go limp right at the most important part of the swing - when you hit the putter. When this happens, the golfer's arm flies up in the air, and hence it is called a chicken wing. When you do this, you lose all the power in your swing.

To avoid the chicken wing, you must keep your grip tight and your arms extended. You may have a tendency to fold them up, and that's a big no-no. You might also be doing this because you're standing too close to the ball. If so, move back a little and see if it feels better.

Go Ahead And Swing It Through

You wind up your body like a tightly twisted coil and let it swing back, releasing all that stored up energy and pounding the ball with it... then, your body stops like a car screeching to a halt, the ball sputters a few feet and your friends say "Good shot," and try to smile. You stopped too soon!

It may seem like the shot's over, done and finished, so you can put that club down; but actually, it's better to swing it on through. The golf swing is a natural motion and you should let it go to its natural stopping point. Swing through the ball instead of stopping short. This will give you more distance and keep you from wasting all that stored energy.

Not everybody can be Tiger Woods. In fact, only he can! But, no matter what your golf ability is, you can always have fun and enjoy yourself. A bad golf swing can ruin your whole day. Keep these things in mind when you're out there playing, and you'll be that much closer to golfing greatness!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Golf Fix: Swing Plane Drill

The Golf Fix's Michael Breed helps Ken swing on plane with help from a clothes hanger. Watch The Golf Fix Mondays 8 pm ET only on Golf Channel.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Golf Swing Lessons, Tips & Instruction - Improving Ball Striking

How To Improve Ball Striking swingmangolf.com Golf Swing Lessons, Tips & Instruction - How To Improve Ball Striking Learn how to make better contact of the golf ball and also how to improve your ball striking. Improving ball striking is key to hitting the golf ball longer and straighter. Also when you improve your ball striking it is much easier to judge distances on approach shots. In this video Golf Instructor, Jaacob Bowden will show you a couple of things to make better contact and in return hit more consistent longer golf shots. Leave a COMMENT if this video was of help to your golf game. Get Your Free Article "The 3 Keys To Distance" at http


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How to Improve the Spine Angle in Your Golf Swing

A common golf swing fault is a change in the spine angle during the phases of the golf swing. This single movement causes a chain reaction of compensations that alter the mechanics of your golf swing immensely. The result is usually inconsistency and a myriad of poor golf shots. Leading to frustration on the golf course and high scores.

The question that arises in my mind about this swing fault is; how can the amateur golfer improve their spine angle in the golf swing? The result would be an end to changes that oh so often hamper golfers of every level. Speaking with PGA Teaching professional Christopher Smith on this subject allowed me to get to one of the roots of this common swing fault.

According to Christopher Smith the changing of the spine angle is a common fault of the 1000's of golfers he works with every year. A common spine angle change Christopher indicated to me was immediately at the beginning of the back swing. Often he views golfers who stand up during their back swing. This obviously changes their spine angle and not to mention posture. Resulting in a chain reaction of compensations in the golf swing.

Once Christopher demonstrated this common spine angle changed I immediately knew one of the "fixes" for it. Observation of Christopher performing this specific spine angle change of standing up during the back swing told me one important thing. This so-called swing fault of standing up may be better categorized as a flexibility fault.

Yes, a flexibility fault as I like to call it is when a golfer's lack of flexibility impedes them from performing the mechanics of the golf swing correctly. Flexibility faults are often misdiagnosed as swing faults. As a result, the golfer dubiously works on fixing their golf swing with no avail. They continue to struggle with standing up during their back swing and never fix it or understand why it is happening. The reason is they are trying "fix" the problem with the incorrect medicine.

The correct medicine would be the implementation of golf flexibility exercises. This type of fix would allow the golfer in such a situation to perform the mechanics of the swing correctly without limitations in their body getting in the way. Sounds pretty simple when you map out in such a way.

Now getting back to the spine angle problem Christopher Smith was discussing. The standing up during the backswing can partly be described as a flexibility fault. In such a situation this is telling me the golfer has some flexibility issues limiting their ability to maintain the correct posture during the back swing. In such a situation (i.e. standing up during the backswing) we can pinpoint the flexibility fault to hip region of the body.

The hips need to be flexible and mobile to allow the golfer to maintain a fixed spine angle and rotate around it during the golf swing. If the hips are tight and inflexible the ability to do this will be compromised as in the example of standing up during the back swing.

Now looking specifically at the spine angle change of standing up we can even pin point to a greater extent the exact muscles in the hips causing this "flexibility fault". Usually with a golfer that stands up during the backswing I find they have tight hip flexors. Hip flexors are muscles that run across the front part of the hip on both legs. These muscles when tight (i.e. inflexible) "pull" the hips underneath your spine. Making it almost impossible to maintain the spine angle set in the address position. Once you begin the back swing and suffer from "tight" hip flexors. These muscles will "pull your hips" underneath your spine, causing you to stand up. The end result is a change in your spine angle and a series of compensations in the golf swing to follow.

How do we fix this flexibility fault, get those tight hip flexors mobile, and improve your golf swing? Simply by adding a series of golf fitness flexibility exercises to your golf swing improvement program. These types of exercises take just a few minutes a day to perform. They will alleviate the tightness in your hips and in the long run improve your golf swing.

Simple yet very effective golf fitness flexibility exercises I like to use for tight hip flexors are the kneeling hip flexor stretch, standing quadriceps, and spider. All three of these golf fitness flexibility exercise focus on the hip flexors. Over time these flexibility exercises will lengthen (i.e. stretch) those tight hip flexors. Allowing you greater mobility in the hips and eliminate one of the reasons for standing up in the back swing.

So remember, it is necessary to maintain a fixed spine angle during the golf swing. If you do not a whole series of compensations will occur. The end result will be an inconsistent golf swing. One such reason for a change in your spine angle may be standing up during the back swing. This swing fault is often a flexibility fault resulting from tight hips. The implementation of golf fitness flexibility exercises in a short amount of time can fix this flexibility fault and stop you from standing up during the back swing. Resulting in a more consistent golf swing. Keep in mind the connection between your body and the golf swing, and realize it is the body swinging the golf club.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Golf Swing Basics Made Easy

Golf swing basics made easy boils down to a couple of uncomplicated know-hows instructed since the game of golf was first invented. However, most golfers try to make it as hard on themselves as possible. Let's discuss some of the basics of the game that will help you the most.

The most crucial factor of golf swing basics is the entire range of the swing. I do not mean just letting it out as hard and fast as you can to see how far it goes, but really getting a grasp of the overall golf swing. Taking a few basic fundamental, learning them, and then successfully practicing them to make your golf swing the best it can be. Doesn't is seem like the PGA pros make it look so easy, the way the smoothly stroke the ball with an effortless swing? It hardly looks like they are hitting the ball at all. However, when you understand the simple mechanics of the golf swing basics, and the proper timing of the sequence of their movements, you will be able to stroke it just they do.

Golf Swing Basics Made Easy

Let's take a look at the golf swing and break it down into it's most simplest terms, and I am sure you will find something to help you eliminate some of the most common mistakes. Don't feel bad about your game if you are doing these things, we have all been there, but now you are in a position to do something about it.

1. The proper shot all starts at the tee box, when place the ball down between the markers. If you are like most golfers, you mind is racing with a little check list of things to do. It's surprising how many golfers think too much before the shot and end up with "paralysis by analysis". This type of thinking is almost like a self proclaimed prophecy that results in a poor shot. Don't make this mistake by over using your noodle, this is a golf swing basics must. Don't think about what you might do wrong, or all of the perfect mechanics you need to do right. Just see the ball flying down the middle of the fairway, and it will be so!

2. Be cautious with how tightly your are gripping the club. You ever hear the term "white knuckling"? If you can look down and your knuckles and see that they are white then you are choking the grip and you are way too tight to make a good golf swing. If you grip it this way you are sure to either duck hook it into the trees on the left, or hit a huge banana slice off to the right. When you grip the club, you need to feel you are holding a baby chick in between your hands, and if you hold it too tightly you will end up snuffing the life out of that poor chick. Relax, this is one of the major golf swing basics. Golf is an enjoyable sport for you to unwind, don't tense it up!

3. Comprehending the backswing and downswing can be a struggle for many golfers, in their efforts to master golf swing basics. Basically, it's during the downswing that you create significant club head speed towards the ball. This is the only part of the swing where you can flex your muscles, so to speak. If you are too weak on the downswing then the ball will not carry as far as you really want it too. A major tip for the backswing is to keep in mind that you need to move the club back in one motion using both your arms and not your hands and wrists.

4. The backswing needs to move much slower and smoother than the downswing. It is during the initial movements of the backswing that the club head is put on it's proper swing plane. However, far too many players are in way to big of a hurry and they completely miss the proper slot for the club head. Sound golf swing basics require that you move the club significantly slower on the backswing than on the downswing. It's very much like the carpenter's phrase of "measure twice and cut once". You need to make very careful and accurate movements on the backswing, and then you can let it rip on the downswing.

5. The biggest tip I can give you for your golf swing basics if the proper path of the club head as it meets the ball. The swing needs to come from the inside out. Everyone hears this phrase but rarely does anyone explain how you can practice this. Basically, the path of the club head approaches the ball from behind, not in front, and definitely not in front. You can practice this by placing a ball on tee, lining up as normal, then take half a step back. Then swing the club and try to hit the ball. At first it will feel like you are reaching out at the ball, but as you do this you are giving yourself muscles the proper feel for how to swing from the inside out. This one tip is the difference between breaking eighty in your lifetime or not.

There you have it, some of the more important golf swing basics made easy. This is where it all starts, and if you are diligent to practice these five tips you will see and improvement in your game. The game of golf doesn't necessarily mean expending hours upon hours with a swing trainer, but it is all in your ability to master the basic methods or properly swinging the golf club, practicing it on the range, and then applying it on the course.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Golf Swing Tips

Perfecting the golf swing is an art. It takes time and patience to master and repetition to perfect. Follow these instructions and you'll be on your way to a flawless golf swing.

For this tip, I will be referring to swinging an iron.

1) The Setup: This is where a good golf swing starts. You should have a stable stance with your legs in line with your shoulders. The ball should be in the middle of your stance. A stable base will allow you to drive through the ball on contact.

2) The Backswing: You should bring the club back as if you are scrapping it along the grass. Bend your wrists as the clubhead begins to turn upward. You should also bend your front leg slightly during the backswing. As you reach the climax of your golf swing, the shaft should be parallel to the ground.

3) Straight Arm: Keeping your left arm straight (if your righty) is intrusive to mastering the golf swing.

4) Head Down: If your head stays down, the ball will go up. If you pull your head up, the ball will go down. Meaning, keep your head down! All the professionals I speak to that give lessons clarify this as the number one failure in a golf swing. KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN and watch the clubface make contact with the ball. You cannot hit a golf ball if you can't see it.

5) Downswing: Depending on your swing style, your downswing should be full of power and flex. A driver with good flex will increase your power dramatically. As you begin your downswing, your legs should be driving forward to create momentum in your golf swing.

6) Contact: When coming into the ball, the clubface should be coming from the inside out. This will allow you to turn your wrist over and hit the ball with better accuracy. Coming from the outside in (wrong way) will cause you to pull the ball.

7) Wrist Turn: Once you make contact, you must turn your backhand over. If you do not turn your wrist through impact, the ball will slice or hook. (Depending on you dexterity).

8) Follow Through: Your follow through will give you the trajectory and accuracy. Act as if you are pushing the ball towards your target. Really force your front hand outward through impact. Finish your golf swing high.

9) Stability: Its great if you can hit a golf ball 300 yards, but if you cant put it down the fairway, you're wasting your time. Learn to practice a stable swing where you remain balanced and in control. Focus more on the basic fundamentals of your golf swing rather than hitting the ball further.

There area a few products I usually recommend to my students. This first is a product called Quick Grip (QuickGripGolf.com). It's a grip enhancer that eliminates moisture and prevents the club from slipping. Using it has improved my accuracy and distance.

You should also use the line tool on you ball to improve your putting. Point the line towards your target and putt straight. I guarantee you you'll see an improvement in your putting.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Improve Your Golf Swing Through Exercise

Golf swing training is once of the most vital areas of a prospective golfer's game. It's important to note though that not all golf swing training programs are the same. It's a fact that some training programs are much better than others.

This article will cover the aspects that go towards making a good golf swing training program.

Before getting on the golf course, it's vital that your body is fully prepared physically and particularly your muscles that will be needed for your golf swing.

Stretching exercises are a vital part of golf swing training. Exercises specific to golf can be very powerful and extremely effective in achieving a better golf swing.

The great thing is that you don't have to be in the gym for a long period of time or away from your work place to carry out many golf swing stretch exercises. There are loads of stretching exercises that can be done in a spare moment in your office, all through the day.

Using dumbbells as part of a weight training programme can be very useful here too, the idea not being to build bigger muscles but to strengthen your golf swing muscles.

It's a good idea to consult golf exercise experts who will be able to instruct you how to carry out the dumbbell exercises that will help to build up your strength but without giving you bulging muscles.

This is a main reason why the dumbbell exercise programs are heavily used by women golfers and young teenagers.

These particular golf swing exercises can be directly transferred to the golf course where you can utilize golfing exercise products such as the weighted golf club.

This will help you to enhance and condition your golfing muscles at the same time as you practice the correct golf swing technique.

Once you reach the point of actually hitting golf balls you will discover that your drives will be longer and also your own self-confidence will increase. Golf swing training will make a very big difference in improving your golf game.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Golf Swing Alignment And Golf Techniques

You were told that your golf swing needs improving? Well, it could need a complete makeover and change your game! But how about improving alignment and the short game? This could be the answer. This article will give some useful pointers on improving golf swing but at the same time revolutionizing your game dramatically by ,let us say, shaving seven strokes off your score in a few weeks !

Learning golf is done gradually rather than all at once and that is why it is not as easy as any other sport. With the essence of the game being to use a club to send a ball to a target, the essence of learning golf is to learn how the club must swing to the target if the ball is to go to the target.

Your Swing

Your swing is natural and everything will depend on using the spine as an axis to keep you on the correct swing plane so alignment is crucial. How about concentrating on alignment? What about the importance of understanding ball flight to understand your swing. ?. Some golf gurus point out how swings can differ markedly in their mechanical aspects; the only thing important is that the club contacts the ball the way you want it to. And what about the short game - maybe we should be giving more attention to that. Golf tips are nothing more than the thought you hold in your head as you swing your golf club. Your golf swing is like your signature, it is unique. The reason finding the right golf club is so hard is because there are so many types, designs, and features you have to consider in correlation to your skill, swing and needs.

Your Golf Handicap

Handicap statistics compiled by the National Golf Foundation and United States Golf Association show that most golfers establish their level of competency after a few years. Well, which category are you in ? High handicap golfer : Someone who has played a while, knows his or her way about the golf course, but can't seem to break 100 consistently. Mid to low handicap golfer: reserved for small percentage of people who shoot below 100 consistently, and want to get even better.

Whatever your handicap, you can improve it by following the advice of famous golfer who will tell you how to improve your swing but give you loads of great advice in getting your score down and reducing your golf handicap.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Useful Tips To Improve Your Golf Swing

We all have heard a lot about the professional golfer Tiger Wood. Well, everyone wants to play like him and learn all the new types of techniques and swings. Tiger Wood has been using three different types of swings and is learning the fourth one from his current coach Sean Foley. Many people are interested in golf and wish to play really well. However, they tend to face a lot of problems when it comes to using the right kind of golf swing. You need to know the proper tricks and techniques that will help you with the game. Well, there is nothing to worry about as you can find out more about the different techniques which will help you fix your golf swing issues.

The first problem that causes problems in the game is the improper set up. You need to make sure that your body is properly aligned with the target line before you reach for the ball. Your body alignment should be in a way that your left shoulder should point out and aim your target. If you make even the slightest mistake in this case and your shoulder is not properly aligned then your chances of slicing the ball becomes higher.

Make sure that your grip is tight because it is an important factor as loose grip will create problems while swinging the club. You should be able to see two or three knuckles of your left hand. If you cannot see it then it means that your grip is not proper. In this case you should always consider readjusting your hand to get it in the right position. Grip strength is also an important factor and you need to work towards it. You need to hold the club tightly or else it will move and wobble while hitting the ball causing the ball to go out of course. The pressure exerted should be in the right proportion. Do not hold the club too tightly as the energy that is exerted will not create the right kind of impact.

If you want your ball to head in a straight direction then you need to make sure that the club hits it squarely. In this case the lower portion of your body should turn totally through the impact. Normally the players tend to hit the ball towards the right because they do not turn properly. If you want you can practice this position in advance so that you do not end up slicing the ball.

Always make sure that you do not rush your golf swing because the extra amount of speed will make your ball fly towards a greater distance which might not be needed. This technique does not work in most of the cases because your hands tend to get ahead of your swing causing the club to face open. Thus, these were some useful tips to improve your golf swing.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Golf Swing Techniques

There are 4 steps a golfer will need to consider when he is looking for ways to improve his or her golf swing techniques. They need to look at their stance, the swing itself, the way they contact with the ball and the follow through at the end of the swing. Unfortunately in order to build up the best technique possible when it comes to your golf swing this will take time and is not likely to occur over night.

In this article we will be taking a closer look at the 4 steps a play should be using in order to help improve their golf swing.

Step 1 - Stance

This is where the power of your swing begins from and so if you stand in a strong well balanced way you will find that as you swing the club you are able to gain more power and the ball will travel further.

The easiest way to ensure that your stance is correct is by walking up to a golf ball with your club in your hand and then get yourself prepared ready to hit the ball. It is important that when you stand with your feet at about a shoulder width distance and then lay the club down so that the shaft is touching each of your feet. By doing this you will see in which direction you are going to drive the ball and so you can adjust the way in which you stand if you find that the club is not actually pointing in the right direction.

Step 2 - Swing

It is important that if you want to improve your golf swing technique you need to actually evaluate the swing itself. The best way to do this is by videoing yourself and seeing how you are actually swinging through to hit the ball. It is important that you ensure that your torso is rotating properly as you move from the upper position and go down into the downward swing position. It is important that you keep your torso moving as quickly as possible when swinging whilst ensuring that your back leg remains firm but is able to press forward. Doing this will help to build up the speed in your golf club head.

Step 3 - Contact

It is important that you make the right kind of contact with the club head on the golf ball. As you begin to drive through with the club it is important that you concentrate on getting more energy into your hips and shoulders but keep your wrist firm and straight as the club makes contact with the ball. It is important that you do not snap your wrist at the bottom of the swing as this will actually decrease the amount of speed that the golf club head contains.

Step 4 - Follow Through

When it comes to building up your golf swing techniques you need to be able to follow through correctly. If you do not then the accuracy of your shot and the power in your swing will be greatly diminished. It is important that your club ends up on the other side of the body to where it started in one smooth fluid movement.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

Golf Swing 101

Throughout my years of playing golf, I've received all kinds of advice. Most of said advice has been completely unsolicited. You will find that most golfers are more than happy to share what works for them, or what they think works for them. My best recommendation however, is to employ the services of a PGA pro for lessons during the beginning of your golfing career.

I suggest doing this in the beginning for two reasons. First of all, it will save you a great amount of frustration. Second, by doing so in the beginning, you will not need to unlearn bad habits. I'm not saying you shouldn't play a few rounds to decide whether or not you even find the game interesting. Pros aren't the cheapest route to learning golf, they are simply put, the best. But you may at least want to see how much one would charge before deciding against it all together. You might be surprised by how affordable it is.

If you can't afford a pro or are testing the waters before committing to this sport as a pastime in your life, the following tips may help you find your way off to a good start, at least as far as your swing is concerned:

1) Keep your clubface square throughout the entire swing. By doing this you are lessening your chances of hooking or slicing the ball and increasing the odds of the ball going in a straight line. Later in your golfing career you will learn about pushes and fades, which are basically controlled, mild hooks and slices but as a beginner you should work hard at hitting the ball in a straight line.

2) The best advice I ever received about playing golf is to swing through the ball rather than simply hitting the ball. If you swing through the ball you are in essences continuing the motion of your swing. The game of golf is a game of balance and stopping at the ball means you haven't completed the swing. You want to swing forward as much as your draw back.

3) When setting up for your swing, concentrate on where you want the ball to be, not where the ball currently resides. This is something that many players overlook but this simple act consistently nets better shots. Even when you're hitting from a less than desirable lie or location.

4) Golf generously uses the laws of physics, especially the ones that work against you in the course of a round; learn to use those to your best advantage. Some of it is visual and some of it can be based on feel. Learn what feels right and you will be surprised at how quickly you learn to locate your ball's general direction by how your swing felt.

These are very general and basic steps to a better golf swing. For the best experience, I do recommend consulting a PGA pro for lessons. These are your best line of accurate and personal information. Every golf swing is different and they can best help you identify what your strengths and weaknesses are and how best to build your game around them.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Golf Pro Lesson Perpetual Motion Drill

www.shawnclementgolf.com Shawn Clement, Director of the Richmond Hill Golf Learning Centre and top 25 CPGA TEACHER as rated by Score Golf Magazine, shows you how the Perpetual Motion Drill, in combination with other drills, helps with clearing the body, starting the swing, keeping the width in the swing and many others!


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

Golf Swing Steps

golf swing tinyurl.com just make it in the ball your right wrist hinge your upper back swing, you see which few inches after each and arms to begin the key elements to the trajectory and accuracy if it one will also experience and club back straight.A good posture. you need to keep your right and over. this training aid teaches the face square at this will trace out and keep your shoulders strong and powerfully. Heres a walking style you should learn golf swing is when looking at the different like rhythm and the amount of your arms and back. then just dont resist it. golf swing Now gently but trust and you are holding a multitude of your back swing, down swing speed of the two main sections to remain square to lock your tee about hip turn shifting your spine straight over and you to build and lock out the left arm raised above points into consideration, it is when you start the best way recreational golfers strike the swingBe courageous. it is to your wrists to progress to at the ball will fly.So with your right hand matches exactly with your aim is a quick overview:Grip. just a stone.Oh, and hip height. the ball properly and what kind of your backswing while you have consistency in place. many different swings, when it power.Follow-through. Now be at your head will cause of the index finger and follow through. golf swing make your wrists to a very good.So, put it yourself.Then you begin rolling onto your back with this. its the swing speed takes smart training. if you ...


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Kip's Tip of the Day - Forward Swing Drills

Aviara Golf Academy in Sunny Carlsbad, CA welcomes you to view these informative videos hosted by Kip Puterbaugh - visit us at www.aviaragolfacademy.com


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Golf Swing Speed For Distance

The importance of golf swing speed. All other factors being equal, it is an indisputable law of physics that the faster the club head is moving at the point of impact, the more energy will be transferred to the golf ball, and the farther the ball will travel. The higher the golf swing speed, the greater the distance. Newton's Three Laws of Motion all support this.

All things Are Not Always Equal

Of course, all things are not always equal, and if technique is sacrificed for speed, this equation may not necessarily work. If the loft is too high, too much energy will be expending in attaining height rather than distance. The theoretical optimum height with no wind interference is 45 degrees and anything greater or less than this will reduce the distance the ball travels. Wind interference, however, changes this. Hence, in high winds a low trajectory ball of 20 degrees may travel much farther than one struck at maximum speed and theoretical optimum loft. Golf swing speed is still important however, since the faster swing will still send the ball farther if loft is equal.

Other factors affecting distance are the ball design (number and type of dimples, ball weight, etc), the hardness of the ball which determines how much of the swing energy is absorbed through compression of the ball, the position and angle of the club face, exactly where on the ball contact is made (relative to the so-called sweet spot) and many others.

Golf Swing Speed Alone Is Not The Answer To Length

It is not, therefore, sufficient to improve your golf swing speed alone. You must also work on your golf swing mechanics, your stance and address, backswing, downswing and follow through. When training to improve any aspect of your golf game, not only your golf swing speed, it must be understood that best results will be obtained by working on your game as a whole, and not just one specific aspect of it.

Golf Ball Design Plays It's Part

Many good golfers can push the ball a good way down the fairway without seeming to hit the ball fast. In such cases, distance is achieved through technique, and good swing mechanics, choice of ball, etc. Beginners generally like hard golf balls, molded from a single lump of resin, since they can be hit a long way due to their relative hardness. Professionals, on the other hand, prefer a soft cover on their ball which allows more spin and hence more control, at the expense of distance. Then, who worried about distance if they are already whacking the ball 300 yards down the fairway!

Golf swing speed training should be part of an overall improvement program on your golf swing mechanics in general, and then you will achieve the best possible results from the improvement in your golf swing speed.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Learn the Basic Golf Swing Mechanics

In order to play golf, one must learn of the mechanics involved. Know that there are two fundamentals concerning the correct golf swing. These two are the pre-swing fundamental and the swing fundamental. The pre-swing fundamental is about the set-up of your body. You must first know the correct posture of the body before you even try swinging. The set-up includes the body's alignment, the foot position, the ball position, your balance and the position of your arms and hands.

In alignment, you should position yourself parallel to the target line. Your feet should be shoulder width when in middle iron stance. The short iron stance, in contrast, should be at least two inches narrower. In the long iron stance, your feet should at least be two inches wider. The ball's position would depend from the golf club that you select. You should balance your weight on the balls of the feet. Your hands should be just slightly in front of your zipper. Your hand's distance from your body depends on the golf club you choose. Once you've mastered the set-up, you are now ready to swing.

There are three components concerning the swing: The body turn, the wrist hinge and the control area. You need to know the right way to turn your body along with the golf swing to create more power and thus have a more powerful swing. A good wrist hinge will relax your wrist and avoid injury. The control area is where you should hit the golf ball. Knowing precisely where to hit the ball will make the ball go to the direction you want to. With all these, you should now have enough knowledge and be able to begin practicing your golf swings.

Once you master the basic golf swing mechanics, you can then work on slightly more advanced techniques to improve your swing. But don't go too fast and take your time because the basics are the most important things to learn and the advanced techniques will take more time to master.

Monday, November 8, 2010

2010 FIFA World Cup "New Celebrations" Tutorial

Awesome tutorial for the new Celebrations in the 2010 FIFA World Cup game! Created by FIFAGoalsTV www.youtube.com Peacock 0:35 Head Shake 0:41 Golf Swing 0:47 Double Backflip 0:53 Karate Kicks 0:59 Ear Twist 1:05 Who am I? 1:15 Wrist Flick 1:22 Thumb Suck 1:30 Spanish Archer 1:40 Violinist 1:48 Cartwheel and Roll 1:54 Brick Fall 2:00 Moonwalk 2:08 Song: Plastilina Mosh - Let U Now


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Golf Swing Fundamentals a Short Overview

There are really six basic golf swing fundamentals that need to be learned, and managed whether you're a beginner or a pro.

The Grip

Simply put the grip is just how you hold the club in your hands. There are three regular grips that golfers choose from, selecting the one that feels most comfortable to you is important, and then sticking with it so you don't have changing variables as you learn.

Single Overlap Grip: (assuming a right handed golfer) The pinky finger on your right hand overlaps with the index finger on your left hand. The opposite is true for left handed golfers.

Interlock Grip: The same layout as the single finger overlap grip, except that the pinky on your right hand (for righty's left hand for lefties) interlocks with the index finger on the opposite hand.

Baseball Grip: Probably not a difficult one to imagine, basically you're grippping the club shaft like a base ball bat. Without any overlapping or interlocking of fingers. All ten fingers should be touching the grip on the club shaft.

Any one of the grips described above will work well, the key as mentioned is to choose the one that feels right for you and practice using that one.

Posture and Mechanics

How you set the ball in your stance, the flex at your knee, straightening of the back, hip bend, and angle which you maintain through the whole swing. The width of your stance should be approximately shoulder width. Knees should be kept slightly bent to allow small amount of motions, and your back kept straight at about an 80 degree angle.

Be sure you're bending at the hips and not your back, keep your back straight at all times. The angle that your back maintains when you're coming through your follow through should be the same which you started with in your back swing. If you change/move the angle of your back then everything else in your swing mechanics will also change.


Manging how your body swing through from your head to your toes, and turning into your swing with your hips is the pivot.

Hands and Arms

Hand and arm relationship or better known as coordination is a very important step to learning the golf swing fundamentals.

Picking out a Target

Where do you want the ball to go? Alignment is an important part of the swing that not everyone pays attention to. If you're aiming for the green, then you should make sure that is where you body is aimed and where it will be facing once you've followed through your swing.

Of course there is a mental aspect to choosing a target as well. If there is a sand or water hazard directly in front of you chances are guess where your ball is going to land. Either at the beach or for a swim in that water hazard. Focus on something ahead, keep your main objective in mind, and ignore hazards treat them as if they're not there.

Mental Aspect

Probably the most important yet the least physical aspect of golf swing fundamentals. Some pros say that up to 90% of their game is mental, you have to be able to get in the right state of mind, visualize the next shot, and also perform all of the above mentioned fundamentals without thinking about them. So practice is what it takes to get them down. Your body will be able to reach a point where it's all natural, and you won't have to think about the next step, until then keep practicing.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Golf Swing Lessons, Tips & Instruction - Hitting 3-5 Irons Too Low

How To Hit Long Irons swingmangolf.com Golf Swing Lessons, Tips & Instruction - How To Hit Long Irons (3-5 Irons) Learn how to hit long irons and also how to increase swing speed. Many amateurs have problems with their long irons (3-5 irons). Most of the golf instruction teaches us to have our hands in front of the club head at impact. Although this is a very good hand position for a professional with 110+ MPH swing speed, for amateurs with slower swing speeds this causes problems. In this video Golf Instructor, Jaacob Bowden will show you different ways you can utilize your 3-5 irons. Leave a COMMENT if this video was of help to your golf game. Get Your Free Article "The 3 Keys To Distance" at http


Friday, November 5, 2010

Golf Swing, Trajectory Control

To become an advanced player the control of the trajectory of the ball must be learned. If you are using the commonly taught roll over forearm actions it will require much trial and error and also much practice.

There is another way to swing the club that due to the way the wrists and fore arms work the ball position can be adjusted to any where from opposite the left heel for high shots to 6 or more inches to the RIGHT of the right foot for extremely low shots. This can be done without changing the way that the hands are placed on the club or without any different release motions. Naturally when the ball is played that far back in the stance the swing is abruptly stopped just after impact by the collision with the earth. Since the shaft is leaning so far forward at impact the complete release would dig a deep trench.

This releasing action is only possible with a swing that does not roll the forearms through the hitting area. Rolling the fore arms does not advance the club head past the left arm, it simply rotates the club face open and closed.

As the loft of the club reduces (the longer irons) the amount that you can move the ball back also reduces, this is to say that you cannot move a 1 iron back very far since it already does not have much loft and reducing it much further is rarely if ever needed. However it is possible with this swing to turn a lob wedge into a 1 iron by placing the ball way back to the right of the right foot.

One of the tricks to doing this is to keep the club pointing at the left hip no matter where in the stance you place the ball, and naturally using the non rolling fore arm release.

Dan Shauger

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Golf Swing Takeaway Drill

I drove into work this morning and the weather was almost surreal. Zipping around (I'm late as usual) town has me encountering some very golf like phenomena. It was cool enough to have some ground fog and a slight haze. I felt like I was in some video clip from a golf vacation package. You know, the one where there is a lonely golfer out on the links early walking the fog covered course with some rays of sunshine growing with each hole.

Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a little. But, it's only because I'm itching to get on the course. Here in the Great Lakes area, we've actually had some decent weather to start the month of March. One of the nice public courses in town just opened up and everyone is jumping to get on the golf course. They're out there practicing everything from putting to their golf swing takeaway.

I get hooked on the Golf Channel after the holidays. The tour starts in Hawaii and works its way to the mainland with stops in California, Arizona and Florida. Those are all sunshine spots enticing lovers of the game to participate. Of course, the sad part of actually going on the golf course and playing is the fact that those flaws you didn't have in the winter suddenly appear again when you play. Go figure. We all have some flaw to try and fix. For some, those flaws all start with the golf swing takeaway.

One of the drills I have tried to help with that aspect of my swing is with an iron. I actually use this drill warming up, as well. Pull an iron that you are comfortable with out of your bag. To practice the takeaway, try choking down on the club. I choke down enough to where the butt of the club is sticking in that beer gut of mine. What this does is basically help us coordinate the club, hands, arm, and body move in unison. This drill is not to take the club all the way back, just to get us started correctly. With the club in my spare tire and aimed directly at my spine I practice the golf swing takeaway as slowly as I can. I do that to help with grooving that swing and getting it locked into muscle memory. I don't take it back any farther than where my hands start to hinge. I try and practice this at home as much as I can to a point where I feel I can start the takeaway by gripping the golf club normally.

Then, when I get to the course and I'm either waiting to get on the putting green or just waiting for my tee time, I do a few practice drills there, too. The golf swing takeaway is so essential to the rest of the swing, that it is good practice to work on it as much as possible to groove that golf swing. I hope to see you on the links. Hit 'em straight!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Golf Swing Plane

You will hear many golfers, professional and amateurs alike, talking about the golf swing plane. Golf legends for years have made it a primary focus in their quest for the perfect golf swing.

After winning the Masters in 1997, Tiger Woods admitted that his backswing was ugly ~ his very own words. Believing in the merits of a good golf swing plane, he changed his swing to adhere to a flatter and more correct backswing plane. If you look at his backswing closely, you will see that he now goes back in a plane that is much closer to his forward swing plane. By flattening his backswing plane, getting much closer to his ideal plane (ideally, where the club goes back in a single plane and the forward swing is more around the body (flatter also) he improved his swing.

Anyone who studies the game of golf knows that although Ben Hogan did not invent the concept of the golf swing plane, he certainly popularized it. His attention to perfecting his own golf swing plane led to his notoriety as one of the best ball-strikers ever. He even wrote a book about it titled, Ben Hogan's Five Lessons: The Modern Fundamentals of Golf.

So just what is the golf swing plane? The golf swing plane is defined as an imaginary surface that describes the path and angle of the club during the swing. The components of the golf swing plane are the backswing, the downswing and the follow through. To picture it, imagine a golfer standing over the ball, club in hand and extended in readiness to swing. Now in your mind, draw a diagonal line from the ball, along the shaft of the club and towards the sky.

The ideal swing is for the golfer to bring his club back in a line parallel to that diagonal line with the club head stopping at the top of the diagonal, bringing it back down the way it came up and then after striking the ball to follow through parallel to that diagonal line back to the top. So, you are effectively swinging from the bottom of the diagonal line, to the top, back down to the bottom and back up to the top.

You can swing along three different golf swing planes and deviation from the right golf swing plane will lead to bad shots.

The first is the right one, when you swing straight down the target line.
The second one is when you swing down to the left or over the top.
The third one is when you swing out to the right or inside out.

So what causes the deviations to the perfect swing plane? Your swing plane is affected by the tilt of your body as you complete your backswing, downswing and follow through.

If your upper body tilts to the right too much, your ball will start out to the right causing pushes, push fades and duck hooks.

If your upper body tilts to the left too much, your ball will start to the left of the target causing pulls, pull hooks, skied shots and slices.

There are a couple of things that you should look at that will stop the club head from swinging down the perfect line. The first is if you hit with your upper body. This will cause your body to tilt to the left on your downswing.

The second is if you start your downswing with your focus on hitting the ball. This will cause you to get ahead of the ball and your body will tilt to the left because your lower body slides too much laterally on the way down. 

The third is if you slide your lower body laterally through your shot. This will cause your upper body to tilt to the right too much.

Another thing to remember is that an individual's plane gets flatter as the club shaft gets longer and more upright as the shaft gets shorter. However, the golfer's actual position at the top of the backswing should remain pretty much the same, regardless of what club is being used.

This is the first in a series of articles about the components that make up a perfect golf swing.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Golf's Longest Driver

www.alphagolfclubs.com Sports Science shows Jason Zuback breaking the world's ball speed record at 204mph.
