Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Important Golf Swing Fundamentals

Golf is a game that is always challenging because there are always new things to learn and new ways to improve your game. If you are able to work on these golf swing fundamentals and really get the hang of them then you are going to be set and your game is going to be at least that much better. Good posture is what allows for balance in the golf swing and without proper posture the entire swing will be off. Whenever someone is new to golf, these are the golf swing fundamentals that they should be focusing on first.

The first place to start when it comes to the fundamentals is the grip which is how you hold the club. No matter what size you are, the rule is to evenly distribute the weight of your body on the balls of the feet and not too much towards the toes or the heels. If you do this then you will be off balance and as a result your posture is going to be off as well. Just make sure that you are aware of what your lead hand is because this is the hand that you want to be focusing on when you are gripping the club and the interlocking grip is the most commonly used and for this you have the pinky of your right or lead hand interlocked with the index finger on your left.

If you want to be able to cover the golf fundamentals and in this case posture, another helpful tip is to let your arms hang naturally down. The way that you are standing when you hit the ball is going to have a huge impact on how the ball is hit. In turn this means that you are going to be able to more easily swing your arms back and through, rather than being stuck or feeling as though you do not have enough room which is often the case. This is one of the best tips if you are trying to work on posture of the golf swing fundamentals.

Working on the golf swing fundamentals is always important and you should never feel bad because even the professionals have to work on the golf swing fundamentals now and again. That is the great thing about golf is that you can always work on your game and there is always room for improvement. At least if you have the golf swing fundamentals down you are going to find it much easier to learn other tips about golf. But with a bit of practice you are going to find that it all comes naturally and you are going to greatly improve your game.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Hitting Golf Swing Style

Video segment related to my review paper called "How to Power a Golf Swing" See -

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Golf Swing Tips For Newbies

There are many golf instructors claiming their golf swing tips to be the best. You can read their ads in papers, magazines and online classified sites. But whether they are really as good as they claimed to be is what you will only find out when you signed up for their courses and undergoing the training in the golf course.

So before you start investing in any course, here are some factors you need to take into consideration.

Knowing What Works And What Does Not

This is the most important factor to consider especially for newbies.

Although the best way to excel in golf is through daily and continuous training, you need to find what works and what does not. There are many systems out there and each golf instructor has his or her own teaching method. Just because his or her teaching method works for some beginners does not mean it will work for you.

Irregardless of what we learn be it golf or other things, we all have different learning speed and capability. So it is impossible to impose one technique and enforce everyone to do the same. While some may benefit, others may not.

The best instructor is one who knows what works and what does not work for you and implement a system based on your level of understanding. Although there are many instructors out there, such instructors are quite rare. But if you manage to find one, learn and apply everything you are taught instead of taking it for granted.

Differentiating A Good Advice From Bad

From time to time, we all received advice. Not just from instructors but from our fellow trainees and even loved ones around us.

The best advice is still from instructor. If the instructor has been experienced in golf, you can easily tell when he talks and the way he demonstrate how to execute a proper golf swing.

Initially it may not go down well with you or any beginner. Especially when the instructor points out your mistakes and shows you the correct way. We can either let our pride get in the way or we may take a longer time to adopt to the right way.

For instance if you are right-handed and your instructor thinks you will be better with your left hand, will you accept his or her advice despite knowing that it will take you some time to adjust or will you let your pride prevent you from doing so since you do not want to step out of your right-handed comfort zone?

If the advice is good and with the intention of grooming you to be better, it is best to follow.

Setting Tangible Goals

As with anything else, you need to set tangible goals if you want to succeed in your golf swings.

Goals such as setting your minimum striking distance, shot accuracy rate and speed are essential. If you do not understand what this means, you can clarify these with your instructor who will be happy to elaborate more.

Apart from your objectives, you need to be familiar with your goal equipment. So even before buying or getting the set, make sure you select tools such as golf club, shoes and clothing based on your height, weight and comfort level.

Occasionally, you will be required to practice in a crowded golf course. With many people around, you tend to get distracted and pressured easily from fulfilling your full potential.

So setting tangible goals from time to time is very important.

Being Fully Focused On The Game

Distractions are not always unavoidable. Especially in tournaments when everyone be it audience or media are watching you. They will give comments based on your past performances whether good or not or your personality if you are new.

The only person you should listen to under such circumstances is your instructor and no one else. Because only your instructor knows you best and how to bring the best out of you. So listen to him or her without letting anyone or anything else to cloud your mind.

Best of all, know what you are in the game to win so do what is required to enable to you to win.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Top 25 Golf Pro Lesson Proper Weight Shift Shawn Clement, Director of the Richmond Hill Golf Learning Centre,, shows you how to truly understand and execute weight shift with the help of a few anatomical analogies!

Friday, June 25, 2010

3 Tips For A Better Golf Swing

In golf, you don't just hit the ball as you wish. It requires a lot of discipline, self-control and preparation. Though it may seem to non-players that the sports is for sissies, it is actually a game that requires a higher level of thinking and skills.

Here are some helpful tips to a better golf swing:

1. Maximize your leg and trunk muscles.

Contrary to what most people think, golfing is not simply a wrist game. To be able to execute a powerful swing, your legs and trunk should also be in play, not just your arms and wrists.

Golfing requires the movement of your entire body. This will help you achieve not just swing power, but also game consistency.

2. Don't swing too quickly.

This is one of the most common mistakes new golfers commit. This isn't to say that your swing should lack power and acceleration. It means that you have to maintain your rhythm throughout the hit.

To achieve this, pause slightly at the peak of your backswing before you change your position and move toward your backswing. Practice this move and you'll soon find your ball consistently landing in the middle of the fairway.

3. Balance is key.

Give off a solid golf swing by maintaining your balance and a smooth tempo. A good swing starts with a strong foundation.

Usually, placing your feet around 6 inches apart will help you attain that solid balance, but do try distances that are most comfortable for you.


Golfing is not as easy as it looks. While it seems effortless at first look, especially when you see golfers leisurely walking around in their crisp, unsoiled outfits, it is a mental and muscular challenge, as well.

It may not be as strenuous as the other sports but it also calls for solid muscle control and concentration. Never underestimate the power of a good swing.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Golf Swing Lessons, Tips & Instruction - Reducing Tension

How To Reduce Tension In Your Golf Swing Golf Swing Lessons, Tips & Instruction - How To Reduce Tension in Your Golf Swing Learn how to reduce tension and how to hit longer drives. Reducing Tension in your golf swing will help you lower your scores. When you have no tension in your golf swing it is much easier to make a better golf swing which results in better contact. In this video Golf Instructor, Jaacob Bowden will give you a tip on how to reduce tension in your golf swing. Leave a COMMENT if this video was of help to your golf game. Get Your Free Article "The 3 Keys To Distance" at http

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Golf Swing Fundamentals - How To Practice Your Way To Better Golf

In golf, everything begins and ends with your swing. If you have a great golf swing, your score will improve, if not you can only play the game so well and progress no further. So obviously spending plenty of time crafting and honing your golf swing is time well spent if you want to be a good golfer. So here are the things you should pay attention to to get the best results as you practice the fundamentals of the golf swing.

First of all, its a great idea to have a golf pro take some time to work with you on a personal level and help analyze your swing. Their unbiased critique of your swing can help you learn more than you ever could on your own or by just watching videos alone. No doubt your golf instructor will help make sure that your grip is as neutral as possible and that your equipment matches your body type in order to get the best results in your golf game. But they will also help you perfect your alignment as you address the ball, showing you a helpful pre-shot routine to make sure that you line up correctly for each shot. If you are using the right grip and aligning yourself properly for each shot you are well ahead of most other golfers out there.

Once your grip and alignment is right, your golf instruction will continue to the mechanics of the swing itself, including the takeaway, the backswing, the top of the swing, the down swing, and the follow through and finish. Once you learn all the basic components of a good golf swing and combine them with what you have already learned about how to grip your clubs and how to align your body at address, you are well on your way to being an above average golfer.

But none of this can happen if you don't practice everything you learn until it becomes second nature. In fact, a good golf swing should not have to be thought about much beforehand, it should be almost on autopilot, so that it is repeated over and over again while on the course. The memory of good swing fundamentals should be in the muscles of your body and not just in your head. In order to accomplish this, you will need to spend plenty of time in practice, but not necessarily hitting balls while you practice. A common mistake that many golfers make is to go to the range and just hit one ball after another while making slight adjustments as they go. They think that this qualifies as swing practice, but it doesn't. It usually just cements bad swing characteristics even more into our muscle memory.

So when you practice, plan on making lots of practice swings, without hitting a single ball. If you learn the swing itself, hitting the ball properly will automatically follow. So practice in front of a mirror if you can or on the range, but put more time into the swing itself than in just hitting balls.

Once you are ready to start hitting some practice balls, be sure that you use all the clubs in your bag too. Don't just favor those that you feel most comfortable with or just the ones that hit the ball the farthest. You can never get good at using a club if you don't spend time using it. If a particular club seems hard for you to master, ask your golf instructor to watch you use it and see if they have some suggestions on how to get better results with it.

Finally expect that building a good golf swing will take time. It will not happen overnight or in a week or so. Be patient and follow the guidance of your golf instructor, always asking for help as you go. If you do, and if you put in the practice time needed, you can expect to master the fundamentals of a great golf swing, and play much better golf as you do.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Stack and Tilt Innovator Mike Bennett Continued...

Mike fills Golf Life in on the Stack and Tilt Swing method. Known on tour as the Swing Whisperers for their almost mystical ability to help players win (Dean Wilson at the International and Will MacKenzie at Reno-Tahoe were the other two first-time winners above), Plummer and Bennett now work with 15 to 20 pros, including 2003 Masters champion Mike Weir and eight-time tour winner Brad Faxon. They were unknown when they coached Aaron Baddeley to his first win, in 2006, but when Badds won again in February, Plummer and Bennett were the hottest teachers in golf. Their secret is a geometry-based swing model that contradicts almost everything being taught in the game today. - Golf Digest

Monday, June 21, 2010

Jeff Ritter - Swing Plane - Hoop Drill

Jeff Ritter demonstrates a simple drill with a hula hoop to better understand hand action and swing plane. Visit Jeff's site

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Golf Exercise Backswing Tip

For more information, visit - Professional Golf Fitness Exercise Trainer shows a simple golf exercise, strength and stretching tip all-in-one. Exercises for your backswing can dramatically improve power and driving distance. Doing golf-specific fitness training like this can literally transform your golf swing.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Golf Swing Improvement Secrets to Stop the Insanity

Golf swing improvement can be elusive for most golfers. I have read many articles and studies on the huge number of golfers quitting the game every year. They are tired of putting in the time, buying equipment, taking lessons, and purchasing every golf training aid on the market only to see no golf swing improvement.

You can't fault a frustrated golfer who experiences the above and quits. Life is too short to spend 5 hours on a golf course and not enjoy it.

Let's discuss why this happens!

First off, golf swing improvement should be approached from the inside-out. That means starting with your body. If your body has physical restrictions, you won't ever be able to make a repeatable golf swing with any power or accuracy. It's a physical impossibility.

You can try-and-try, but it won't happen!

You body dictates your golfing ability. Like in any sport, raw talent is hard to come by and is only for a small percent of the athletic community.

Do you feel like you should be a better golfer? How many times have you walked off the course in disgust...knowing you should have played much better? This is a common occurrence and one that can be fixed quickly.

The right approach to golf swing improvement is one that looks at your current golf swing faults and the 'physical' reason behind it. I see this all the time. A golfer takes a lesson; the instructor tells the golfer what he needs to do; and the golfer can't do it!

What a frustrating situation!

For every swing fault, there is an underlying 'physical' reason why it keeps happening.

Let me give you one of many examples to substantiate the above statement.

You are a slicer. That means you come "over-the-top" with your upper body. Do you want to know one of the many reasons why this happens?

Here goes!

You have poor core strength and flexibility.

If your body cannot initiate the downswing with the lower body, especially the hips rotating; it is because your core muscles are sending a message to your brain saying, "we can't do this, so figure out another way (compensation) to get me back to the ball."

Now the upside to this scenario.

You work on your core rotational strength and flexibility. You don't hit more balls. You don't add more swing thoughts to your swing. You don't do drills at the range til your hands are bleeding. You just improve your core. That's it!

The result?

You are able to initiate the downswing with your lower body, create and retain stored energy in your core area, and you not only stop your slice, but you add 30 yards to your drives!

That's golf swing improvement the right way!

Again, this is just one example of a golf swing fault; and the cause and solution to eliminating it forever.

Now golf is fun again!

So when you think of playing better golf; take a new approach to your golf swing improvement.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Some Beginner Golf Swing Instruction Tips

If you happen to be a beginner in the game of golf, then you may be in need or even be looking for some beginner golf swing instruction tips. You may get this with the help of a country club or golf course in your locality. You could also talk to people you are acquainted with, perhaps somebody who is either studying or working with at the community college. Maybe through them, you can find out if their school provides classes for beginner golfers. The newspaper and Internet can also be good sources to look into.

Now, for starters, there are a number of important things that you ought to be considering before you start taking your golf swing lessons. In the game of golf, the mental aspect plays a very important role. Confidence and a positive attitude will help. All the golf pros started out as beginners too, so try not to be too conscious once you have started out in the game.

To get the confidence that you will be needing, try talking to yourself positively or give yourself a quiet pep talk while you are in the process of taking your very first swing. Golf swing lessons can be quite traumatic, most especially for beginners since they tend to be concerned or worry too much about what other people who are watching them might say.

Focus and concentration are the two most important things that you need to do when playing golf. When you train yourself to always concentrate and focus, it will greatly help you with your beginner's golf swing lessons.

And lastly, but most importantly, get a good teacher or golf instructor and prepare yourself physically and mentally. It will help you more in getting better together with your instructor's beginner golf swing instruction tips.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Demystifying the Golf Swing Sequence

Many amateur golfers approach the intricacies of the golf swing sequence with a sense of awe and mystery. However, there may be less mystery involved than at first appears.

You may think it sounds crazy to claim that there is little mystery to the swing. Looking at famous pro golfers, it's true to say that most if not all have trouble with their swing, and most golfing legends have amended their swing at some stage of their career.

Well, the stroke itself has no mystery. The sequence is quite straightforward - you have the backswing taking you to the pinnacle, followed by the downswing leading to contact with the, and the follow-through which takes you to the final position.

The problem is, any of these stages can and does impact the accuracy of the ensuing shot, so you need to develop fluency through the entire sequence to consistently enjoy the benefits of a good swing. This is where the fun begins!

Many people make the fundamental error of attempting to emulate their favorite golfer. Bear in mind that every pro player's stroke is unique to them and has been tailored to their exact needs by their coach. Even if, on the surface, two players' shots seem similar, the mental process each player goes through to achieve that stroke will be quite different.

Some pros' swings are 'text-book perfect' - any coach would be delighted if you or any golf student could develop a similar swing. But it has to be said that some of the top players have downright awkward swings - if you presented yourself to a coach with a swing like that he would probably do his level best to improve it for you. But, it works for that player, and attempting to copy that swing would most likely be counter-productive for anybody else. And, if that awkward swing won you millions of dollars in a golf tournament, would you try to improve it, or would you be happy to keep it ugly?

The ideal swing for you will depend to a large extent on your physical attributes. Broadly speaking, it will vary according to your physique, and whether you have more strength in your legs or your arms. It will also depend on your suppleness and muscular strength. Of course, this means that it will vary at different stages of your life, according to your general fitness level, joint flexibility, overall strength, amongst other things.

For instance - some swing techniques entail striking the ground, and if your wrists don't have the strength to handle this, that type of swing will probably never work well for you. By the same token, if you have successfully used that swing in the past, but have now developed a problem with your wrists, it's probably better to look at another type of stroke than try to recover your old skill with your accustomed shot.

At the end of the day, analyzing the basic mechanics of the stroke can be very beneficial to the amateur golfer, but once you progress beyond a purely recreational interest, you will almost certainly need professional assistance from a coach or instructor to effect much improvement in your golf swing sequence.

Friday, June 11, 2010

How to Correct the Driver Golf Swing and Hit the Longest and Straightest Drives of Your Life!

Many people will tell you that the golf swing does not change from club to club, but in fact due to the varying lengths and weight of each club the swing has to change some. The driver golf swing is no different because you are using a very long and light golf club, which can lead to wild tee shots if you are not careful. Here I am going to give you a few tips to make sure that you keep your swing in check with the driver.

First off you need to have a wide stance with the driver. A wider stance is going to enable you to start your swing from a more solid base and hit better tee shots. Ideally you want your stance to be just a bit wider than shoulder width apart, and your feet and shoulders square to the target line.

Next you need to make sure that you take the club back lower to the ground and slower than most other clubs. The reason for this is the driver golf swing gets out of tempo a lot easier than a swing with an iron. So starting the club back low and slow will promote a great tempo which will no doubt lead to better tee shots and more consistency.

Last but not least you need to make sure that you have a smooth transition to the downswing. This means that you are not going to start your downswing with your hands, but instead you should start the downswing by turning your hips slightly to the left. This allows the club to drop from the inside which will produce much longer and straighter drives.

Use these tips to master the driver golf swing just like I did, and you can take 5-10 or more strokes off of your game!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Top 25 Golf Pro Lesson Tiger's Knee Fix

http// Shawn Clement, Director of the Richmond Hill Golf Learning Centre and top 25 CPGA Teaching Professional as rated by Score Golf Magazine, shows you how to go about getting back into the swing of things after a knee injury to the forward leg like Tiger's.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Top 25 Golf Pro Lesson Momentum Toss Part 1 Shawn Clement, Director of the Richmond Hill Golf Learning Centre in Toronto Canada, and top 25 CPGA Teaching Professional as rated by Score Golf Magazine, shows you how to toss and abandon your golf swing for the ultimate in control;

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Finest Guide to Golf Swing Plane Training Aids

In a matter of perfecting your swing, it is important to consider golf swing plane training aids as your training guidance. If you are wondering as to why your swing is still in a bad shape it is because you're not practicing enough with a proper swing plane technique.

Golf swing plane training aids in this case can help to guide you to understand more about getting the right plane for your swing. Getting the right plane for your swing is the key to your straight and farther shots. If you perform a proven technique that could assist you, you will improve your swing as fast as two short weeks.

Before you start the training, you would want to purchase a "physical swing trainer". This device can help you in performing certain training for swing plane. It is basically made out of PVC tubes associated with circular type in shape. It has a metallic strings running through the middle of the PVC tubes.

In performing this swing plane training aids, all you need to do is to hold the trainer in your swing position. Address yourself as though you actually using a club but instead to have the trainer in your hands, position yourself between the metallic cables and to finally perform your swing shots. When you are performing the swing, the metallic wire will hold you in the appropriate posture during taking the shot. All you will need to do is to practise performing your golf swing with this device to train yourself until found the flaws that have been bothering you all this while. By practicing this daily routine will eventually minimize your swing faults over time.

Besides that, you can also use a computerized interactive golf swing simulator. This is an expensive device and has the capability to detect your swing flaws and fault with an instant feedback. You will easily discover your problem on the spot and you will able to avoid to repeat the same problem all over again. This way you can improve and your golf swing very fast. As fast as few days!

However by purchasing the above devices will not be efficient for you if you don't know how to perform it. It doesn't make sense if you purchase all those training aids without knowing how to use it. Thus it important to seek from a professional help to guide you in understanding the right way to conduct all those training so that you will able to improve and achieve the perfect swing you always wanted.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Jeff Ritter - Pacing Your Swing - Rhythm

Jeff Ritter demonstrates a simple drill to improve your golf swing rhythm.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Jeff Ritter Golf - Sample Lesson

Jeff Ritter walks through the swing changes of a collegiate player. Send Jeff your swing from anywhere in the world for an online lesson! $49.95 at

Thursday, June 3, 2010

High Definition Golf, Indoor Golf Simulator PGA Show 2009

Michigan Live Golf Interviews High Definition Golf, indoor golf simulator at the PGA Show 2009, For more information please visit or contact us at (866)323-0095