Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Putting - A Golf Swing Needing an Angel

There are many golf swings to learn and the most important is putting. Putting appears easy to do, but you better have a sense of humor and a great deal of patience because there are days when it seems the hole is determined to do a hot potato dance and no golf ball will enter. Therefore, putting is a golf swing needing an angel to keep the devilment of your anger subdued.

Do not hesitate, take putting lessons. Work on your drills, and practice and practice. Learn how to bite your tongue and voice vulgarity in your mind because it will be frustrating. The most important tip in putting is to look directly over and at the ball and keep your head as still as you can.

You will discover there are putting techniques to learn, but:

Good putts come from kinetic abilities and these are impossible to teach
You need to feel what you are doing
You need a magic touch
You need calm nerves
You absolutely need to have an angel roll the ball into the hole Try this physical technique to get started:

Grip - palms face each other and allow arms to swing in a triangle formation
Stance- heels are shoulder width or closer; be comfortable
Body is square to the target line
Flex knees
Eyes directly over ball
Treat putts as striking straight, but place the golf ball 2" to the right of the hole Putters to consider are:

35" Standard
42" Belly putter
46" Long putter It becomes your choice as to which length you wish to use. To execute be in a comfortable stance, visualize a triangle with the width of the triangle in line with your shoulders and the point of the triangle pointing to the grip. Let the putter swing side to side like a pendulum, but do not exceed shoulder width. Stay within the triangle.

Waggle which means get into a comfortable stance and balance
Mentally prepare - Visualize your imaginary target line, but place your ball about 2" away from the target line. The shortest distance from point A to point B is a curved line. Have you noticed how the golf ball curves into the hole? By placing the ball 2" from the target line you will notice the ball traveling straight, curve away from the target line towards the hole, then drop into the hole. Do practice drills for both your short and long putts. Work on speed and distance. There are different types of grips. Try different methods until you find what works for you.

And to help you on your way for putting a golf swing visit the hobby page of Tricia Deed at http://www.Infotrish.vpweb.com/ and review The Golfswing Book.

Monday, August 30, 2010

March 2008: Get More Power From Your Swing

In this month's Mel in Motion video golf tip, Mel lets us in on the secrets to getting more power from your golf swing.


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Effortless Power Golf Swing

A power golf swing that's effortless is the dream of every golfer. How many times have you hit one just perfect and tried desperately to remember what you did that caused this to happen? It's so frustrating to try to repeat it, as the effort gets more, creating tension and actually slowing down your swing speed.

A power golf swing is not about swinging hard.

So many times a golfer will try to "put a little more into it" to get a few extra yards. If you've tried this...what happened? Did you get those extra yards or did it go shorter and even offline?

That's the point I'm trying to make!

To hit a LONG drive or add yards to every club in your bag...you need to be able to generate more clubhead speed, but under control. That's where most golfers lose it.

If your body can't physically make an optimum swing, from a mechanical standpoint, you have no business trying to swing any harder. The result will be a blown up score and drives that go significantly shorter...not longer.

The beauty of getting your body in better 'golf shape' is that you can hit the ball with more force...but with much less effort, resulting in a feeling of effortless power.

Let me explain.

If you've improved your core strength and flexibility for example, you will be able to make a FULL shoulder turn (backswing) with minimal tension. This backswing has now a ton of torque built up. With your newfound strength and flexibility...you will be able to 'unleash' that torque, powerfully into the golf ball.

Doesn't that make sense?

Now imagine if you improved your overall body specific to golf. Now you've got a power golf swing that is under control and killing it off the tee! Your playing partners won't know what hit them.

So the key to remember in an effortless power golf swing is improving your bodies ability to rotate and store energy...then 'unleash it' into the ball at impact.

If you are lacking distance and feel like you're trying to swing harder, this is the reason why. A fit golfer has a HUGE advantage over an out-of-shape one.

Follow this advice and you're on your way to an effortless power golf swing!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Establishing Your Perfect Golf Swing

Many experts would agree that most golfers take their swing too seriously. Learn the basics, practice a lot and stay out of your own way!

Here are the basic steps for a full and perfect golf swing:

1. Grip the club with your left hand so that your thumb lies along the shaft. The line between your thumb and index finger should point toward your right eye. Wrap your right hand over your left so that your left thumb fits into the cup of the right palm. If you are left-handed, reverse these instructions.

2. Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart with your right foot pointing straight ahead and your left foot slightly to the left. Bend at your hips, keeping your back straight and your knees flexed. Distribute your weight evenly from front to back and left to right.

3. For the backswing, shift your weight to your right foot. At the same time, tilt your shoulders vertically so that your left shoulder points down, and right shoulder points up. The left end of the club will be pointing approximately at or behind the ball. As you're shifting your weight to your right foot, release to the instep of your left foot so you can get behind the ball. Ensure that your right foot, right hip and head are in a vertical line. Begin your backswing with your hands, followed immediately by your arms and shoulders. Don't hurry. This won't create a faster downswing. Keep your pace steady throughout your backswing. If you aren't happy with your golf swing, this is one of the first corrections to try. Slow down your backswing.

4. For the downswing and impact, start with your hips. Shift your weight to your left foot by leading with your hips in a slight lateral motion. Point the club end in your right elbow down at your right foot. At the same time, shift to the instep of your right foot so that most of your weight is on your left foot. Release your hips by rotating them through, so that your hips, belly button, and shoulders are facing the target. Your right toe is just balancing you, not supporting any weight. Hold the finish position. Look down the target line, not down at the ground.

Many golf professionals say that eighty percent of the perfect golf swing is the body pivot. This involves three main components:

o the turning of the body back, down and through

o the correct weight shift throughout the swing

o balance

Any loss of balance throughout the golf swing means that there is a pivot and weight shift problem. That will be reflected in the direction, loft and speed of the ball. Review these steps until you are comfortable and then keep practicing. The perfect golf swing is within your reach!


Friday, August 27, 2010

Golf Swing Perfection-Secrets Revealed

The game of golf is a relatively easy concept; you take a ball, hit it with a club and try to get it into the hole in the least amount of strokes possible. The only problem is it is a deceptively difficult task. When attempting to play golf and play well you must first develop a good repeatable swing. In order to help you perfect your swing take a look at these golf secrets revealed.

First, let me tell you that it is much easier to learn the golf swing correctly to begin with than it is to correct bad habits that you have learned. So take the time and learn the basic correctly. Unfortunately, what most people do is listen to everyone else around them, quit it! This is the worse way in the world to perfect your golf swing; the operative word here is "your".

Nobody else's swing will be exactly like yours and there are many reasons for it. One reason is because there are so many different body types. Someone that is tall and lanky will not have near the same swing of someone short and stocky, your bodies just cannot function the same way. So the biggest tip for golf swing perfection is to learn the ways most effective for your body type.

To many people worry about the more technical aspect of a golf swing and forget the basics. If your basic set up is not properly done, you will never get a swing that is good and repeatable. So work on your set up routine, this will quickly correct many of the problems you have in your swing.

If you are not set up correctly, your body cannot function properly. You will not get the proper torque with your take away and your hands will not be in the correct position. These will inhibit your down swing. Your hips will get blocked and your hands will not release correctly upon impact and that is why many golfers "throw the club". All of this can be fixed in one simple step, learning how to properly align yourself with the target.

I cannot tell you how many problems you will fix by just properly aligning yourself. I am sure you are thinking that you already do, but most golfers have gotten into such bad habits that poor alignment feels natural. In fact, most people who constantly complain about a slice could correct it in a matter of minutes just by getting set up correctly in the first place.

Here is how you do it, correctly. After you have teed up the ball, stand directly behind it about five feet, so that you are looking directly at your target, pick a spot to aim at. Walk around to your left and get even with the ball. Find your spot and then place the club behind the ball and aim it towards your target. Once you have done that then bring your feet in and put them together and square up to the clubface. Then take a your left foot and move it forward towards the target your back foot should then be moved away from the target. Now you are properly squared to the ball and your swing will begin to work for you properly. More than likely it will feel awkward at first because you have been doing it incorrectly for so long. For you lefties, just reverse the instructions.

There are a few tips to help you gain golf swing perfection. Set yourself up correctly and you will be pleasantly surprised on how everything else will fall in to place. Have fun, go low, and keep it in the short grass.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Golf Swing Tips - How to Stop Topping Golf Balls and Improve Your Golf Swing

Do your golf balls just roll along the ground and never get into the air? This is called topping the ball, and happens because your club contacts the ball above its equator. Ironically, many golfers make the problem worse by trying to "help" the ball into the air - trying to lift or scoop the golf ball off the turf. So, what is the correct way to stop topping the golf ball?

Unfortunately, there is no easy answer. Fundamentally, the problem is that your golf swing mechanics are incorrect in some way. Assuming that you are using the correct golf club, its design will ensure that ball will fly into the air when you swing the club correctly. The fastest way to stop topping golf balls is to consult a golf pro or golf swing coach. He will be able to see where your worst mistakes are and suggest the best drills to improve your golf swing. Once you learn to perform those drills correctly, this embarrassing problem of dribbling your golf ball on the ground will be fixed.

Of course, not everyone has access to a competent golf pro. Before you start surfing the web for a solution, let me give you a warning. Some websites use the terms topping the golf ball, skulling, and hitting the ball thin interchangeably. Not to mention that the golf swing tips contradict each other. Let me suggest a more old fashioned alternative. Go hit your local library for some golf swing instruction books. Look for the books which teach golf swing techniques or show the correct golf swing mechanics. Browse them and borrow the books which you can understand. Read them carefully and take notes. Then go hit a few dozen golf balls and capture it all on video. Analyze what you see, and compare it against your notes. You should see some major deviations from the norm. Once you correct these mistakes, you should have improved your golf swing and stopped topping your golf balls.

Pursuing shortcuts tends to be a hit or miss affair. I must admit that sometimes you just do not have time to do it right. In such cases, you just have to cross your fingers, make a quick prayer and hope for the best. So, here are two quick golf swing tips to stop topping golf balls:

Aim one inch in front of the ball.

Stand with the ball further back in your stance. Swing your club as usual, and you will hit the ball lower.

Some golfers find that they only top the ball with their drivers and low-numbered irons. This shows that they have difficulty controlling the added power when they swing these clubs. Here are three golf swing tips to help you:

Practice half-swings until you consistently hit the ball without topping, then graduate to practicing full-swings

Practice swinging the golf club in slow motion to ingrain the correct movement into your muscle memory. Once you are satisfied that you fully understand the correct golf swing mechanics, gradually increase the speed you swing the club.

Practice your golf swing with old-style blade irons. These old-fashioned clubs have tiny sweet spots. They give you excellent feedback when you do not hit the ball right - the club vibrates strongly and stings your hands. Once you can contact the ball with the sweet spot consistently, you will stop topping the golf ball.

Topping the golf ball once is embarrassing. Topping the golf ball swing after swing is humiliating. The fastest way to stop topping golf balls and improve your golf swing is to ask a golf swing coach to look at your swing. The next best way is to study and understand the correct golf swing mechanics.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Improve Your Golf Swing Forever

When you're playing golf badly it isn't a lot of fun. If you're like most golfers, you want to improve, not just hack around the golf course. Finding ways to improve your golf game, then applying what you've learned and practicing, is the number one way to get ahead of the game.

Overall, you generally want to play golf with confidence. Keep the good energy flowing and don't give in to any negative thoughts. Golf requires tough mental fitness as well as physical fitness and is often overlooked.

Trust your golf club to do the job it was intended to do. It's difficult for a golfer to practice hitting shots longer than short pitch shots unless one pays to play golf or pays to practice at a driving range or indoor golf training facility. The most important thing about the golf swing is the angle and not the strength that's applied to it.

Use the basic 'hitchhiker' position when you're working on your backswing. Try not to grip the club too tightly. The backswing is a rotation to the right, consisting of a shifting of the player's body weight to the right side, a turning of the pelvis and shoulders, lifting of the arms and flexing of the elbows and wrists.

Putts and short chips are ideally played without much movement of the body, but most other golf shots are played using variants of the full golf swing. Use the muscles in your legs and trunk when you swing. Ask your golf pro to evaluate your posture while swinging.

Many golfers who are strongly left-handed in their daily life prefer the right-handed golf swing. When you swing if you have problems with your left knee buckling, imagine you're holding a soccer ball between your knees.

To prevent injury and improve swing speed and distance requires your body to be both strong and flexible. Many golfers have improved their golf game by concentrating on golf fitness. Workouts with straight crunches won't improve your swing or driving distance; concentrate on weighted rotational exercises instead.

Keep in mind that with some golf swing aids, you may still need advice or help from an expert. There are golf swing aids that act as driving range simulators. Golf magazines often review the newest golf swing aids and are reviewed by golfers, making it easy to choose the right one for you.

Be careful about the claims on TV commercials and magazine ads; seek expert advice before you buy because they may not live up to their claims. You can find golf swing aids that will help you with your wrist and arm position. Whether you're a seasoned golfer or just starting out, pick just one golf swing aid and go to work on your swing.

If you're looking for an aid to improve your stance they're not hard to find. Make sure to look for reviews and ratings online for any golf swing aid you're considering. Sporting goods stores have golf aids to improve your game.

Golf swing aids will improve your golf game. Golf swing aids come in all shapes and sizes including apparel type accessories to correct alignment or a golf club add-on accessory to monitor your swing.

If you've hit with your golf driver perfectly once, you can do it every time. If you apply both physical and mental workouts, golf swing improvement will be your reward. Take as many private lessons as you can afford with a good golf pro.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

Achieving The Correct Golf Swing

Achieving the correct golf swing is the magic key that will open all the doors to better and more enjoyable golf. It is common knowledge that a correct golf swing is essential to playing good golf and it has a major influence on how well you will actually is able to play. The correct golf swing is simply two basic movements and one connection that enables you: to hit longer shots by generating more club-head speed to hit straighter shots consistently, by better club-head control. If you imagine yourself in a garbage can you will understand that the correct golf swing is AROUND your body. Generally, the correct golf swing is a set of highly complex body movements which require precise coordination of the hands, wrists, arms, shoulders, torso, hips, legs, and knees of the golfer.

Golf is actually a sport that demands a lot of energy contrary to what many people believe. Golf is like any other sport, and that means preparing to play your best. Golfers are now realizing there is a fitness component to golf, and are seriously considering fit for golf approach. Golfers are now realizing there is a fitness component to golf, and are seriously considering getting fit for golf. Golf has always been a popular game, but with the coming of Tiger Woods it certainly has become even more popular and many more people are taking to the game having been inspired by the achievements of this golfing great.

This is the goal of the golf swing: keep the golf club in a slot, essentially dissecting the shoulder on the back swing and follow through. Keep in mind, we are not going to make a perfect swing every time, but that is our goal. How do we go about keeping the swing on the correct plane and developing feel. The first answer to this question has to do with your golf swing mechanics.

If your body is not conditioned, what will tend to happen is that your game will deteriorate as you continue playing. While the golfer cannot do anything to affect the influence of the wind, other external factors and other complexities of the game, he or she can, by developing a consistent and repeatable golf swing, consistently control the flight pattern of the ball, its trajectory, the amount of spin or curve, and the distance that the ball travels. The problem is that of finding the time away from their golf game to take golf lessons.

Golfers have struggled for years with their games and have become very frustrated. Golfers are rabid and will pay any amount of money in hopes to play better golf. Golfers are no exception and apart from valuable golfing tips being widely available on the net, the other huge advantage is that it has become a lot easier to find good golf products.

The correct golf swing is not easily achieved with just a single practice session. The only way to learn the correct golf swing is through consistent practice. The reason is because the correct golf swing is a set of movements that the body finds extremely unnatural and uncomfortable.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Golf Swing Series: Accurate Golf Shots - Chipping

Are you hitting accurate pitches and chips to the green?

Anyone can get to within striking distance of the green, but it is what we do from there on that is important don't you think?

Firstly, you must never quit on the shot. This means decelerate the club head speed as it gets near the ball.

It is essential that you hit your chips and pitches with the same club head speed every time.

Shorter shots need a shorter back swing, but the club head speed remains the same for every shot that you pitch or chip towards the pin. T becomes obvious that the longer the back swing, the more club speed is generated as the club head travels further before it hits the ball. However, the swing speed is constant. For example to emphasise my point, if you take your club back only 1 foot, the ball will not go very far, will it? A back swing to 9-0-clock will send the ball much further. The swing speed for both distances remains constant.

If you do not like to stop your club head at 9-0-clock on the back swing, then by all means take a full swing, and hit softer. However, I repeat, the club head speed has to be constant. The same principle as when you are putting. The putter blade speed is constant, isn't it? To hit a longer put you take the putter back a few inches more. Your judgement of distance is great when you have mastered this, isn't it? The same with your pitch shots.

When you have mastered this very important principle, you will be delighted with the feel you will develop around the greens.

The only other must is that you must WATCH the ball. Keep your head down until the ball is well on its way. What ever you do, see the divot before looking up.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Golf Swing - Tips To Golf Like A Pro

Your Golf Swing is such an important component of mastering this sport that it pays to work on this probably more than any other part of the game. Without a good swing as a fundamental element, the rest of your golfing game will surely suffer.

To understand what the correct path of the club head should be, try thinking of a rope attached to a tree above you. You should feel that you're pulling the rope straight down from the top of the backswing. If done correctly, this forces your right elbow to stay close to your side, which is part of maintaining perfect form.

Another aspect of form is the position of your knees. The tendency is to let the left knee collapse toward the right during your backswing, causing the shoulder to drop. Instead, try to imagine your left knee going out toward your target on the backswing.

A very important point to note is that a good swing will pause at the top, very slightly, before changing direction. This will have the effect of keeping your ball towards the middle of the fairway, at least most of the time!

Of course, every good swing begins with the proper grip. Getting this wrong can lead to a hook or slice quite easily. Make sure when you're looking down, addressing the ball, that you can see the first two knuckles of your left hand, and a "V" formed between the thumb and forefinger pointing toward the right shoulder.

There are more aspects to a great swing that these alone, and every reader is encouraged to check out the following resources, many of which are totally free. The enjoyment you get by working on developing a great golf swing will translate to a lot more joy during your games, for sure!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Golf Swing Basics

Golf is a technical sport which can be thoroughly enjoyed if one takes the time to learn and perfect their golf swing basics. With the right swing one can marvel at the distance he hits the ball. Therefore, this article will briefly discuss the important golf swing tips that can be implemented to improve one's swing.

A perfect golf swing requires mental focus. The player is advised to make a mental note of the direction he wants to hit the golf ball and the land he wants it to fall on. The golfer is also advised to have immense concentration when hitting the ball, to be able to direct it to the fairway. By implementing this golf swing tip, the golfer will not lose focus and hit the ball to the woods or pond.

Great golfers like Tiger Woods recommend the golfer to learn gripping the handle of their golf club. They warn against gripping the handle loosely or tightly. Loosely gripping the handle makes the golfer slice the ball instead of hitting it while gripping the handle tightly makes the golfer hook the ball instead of hitting it into the desired direction.

While making the backswing the golfer should maintain a downswing to enable him hit the ball with the required impact because the he will generate momentum. This is achieved by implementing the pivot movement during the back swing which is achieved by keeping the left shoulder and hips in the correct alignment. Thus with the above tips golf will not appear technical.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

How To Swing the Perfect Golf Swing

Here's a tip I've never read in Golf Books..

Have you heard the comment:
" Your Golf Swing speed is too fast"

I use to wonder what that means because
its lil vague and I haven't found a book that
explained the true meaning of this statement
or, more importantly how to achieve it.

After a golf video session, I believe, in order to
achieve this statement, it translates into our club
slowing down..

[When the club passes our thigh to hip level during the back swing]


I do this by trying to position or stop my club at thigh level,
when in fact because of the momentum of the rotation
in my shoulders, this gives me a three quarter swing
to full swing. ($100 tips)

The sensation of stopping my club at thigh level, gives
me a three quarter swing. So the sensation of stopping my swing
when the club reaches chest level gives me an overswing
where the club collapses at the top, and I look very tight
and uncomfortable, causing me to jerk the club back
down on the downswing that follows.

Many people including myself try to have a "full
shoulder turn, left shoulder under chin" concept.
Then because the coiled back muscles are wound
so tight, we jerk the club back down trying to hit the ball,
leading to golf flight that could go anywhere.

Our sensation can deceive us, as I saw in the video of my own swing.
What felt like a three quarter swing turned out to be an overswing.

So, try doing a three quarter swing. You'll find that in order to achieve that,
we need to stop the club at the kneecap area, just like
a car trying to slow down, you need to give the swing
time to do the same. The car starts to stop way way before
it actually comes to rest.

For a full swing, it would be around the thigh/hip area.

So, stop your swing at the kneecap/thigh/hip area
and this will translate into a slow, smooth "spring like"
swing that looks easy on the eyes :D

Just in case, another illustration..

Have you tried chipping? The club is pulled back
to around the right kneecap, then we accelerate the
club back toward the ball to chip.

I think...

The Full Golf Swing is like a "Mega Chipping Stroke."
You only start to accelerate and "chip" the ball when
the club falls back down to the right knee, and this "
accelerated power chip" will cause the ball to fly a long long
way, with less OBs.

During the downswing, we only start to hit the ball
when the club reaches our thigh area.

Just like in a normal chipping stroke,
there is no FLIPPING of wrist used to hit the ball.

The wrist stay firm and turns over gradually.
(A normal chipping stroke will not turn over
by the way.)

The stopping of the club at the kneecap/thigh/hip during the
backswing is to allow us to have this MEGA CHIPPING sensation
when we hit the ball during the downswing.
So beginning with the end in mind, will help us
understand why we do what we do. :D ($100 tips)

I've felt more comfortable playing golf
after applying this concept. Less tension and
muscle pulls and pains.

I'm only starting to apply this concept.
Its a new mindset, and will help you too.
Try it at the range.. and if it helps you
we can go celebrate :D

For more secrets never found in golf books, feel free to visit.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Power-Core 360 - Shoulder Turn & Plane

Learn how to turn your shoulders on-plane fast to increase distance and accuracy in the golf swing.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Is Your Golf Swing Over the Top Golf

If your golf swing is over the top you need to keep reading for your solution. The over the top golf swing is one of the most common swing faults among amateur golfers, and the result is an ugly slice. To fix this golf swing fault is not easy, and most golfers take the wrong approach. They are treating the symptom not the cause. Just like your health, you should always look at the underlying cause, never the symptom.

When you think of your body coming from over the top, don't you think it's a physical issue? What I mean, is your body is built to do certain things, and if it can't do a physical move that's needed, don't you think it NEVER will unless...you address this physical issue?

Do you want a simple solution to your over the top golf swing fault?
al limitations, you will have a "ah ha" moment and be on your way to many years of fun golf!
You might not like what I'm going to tell you as it does not involve more lessons (more money), or even hitting more balls.

You need to stretch and strengthen your core golf muscles.

These are the muscles that will allow you to get your lower body moving first while your upper body is then able to stay back and drop into the slot instead of constantly coming over the top.

Does that make sense?

These exercises are simple exercises you can do in your home in minutes, but you must be consistent with them to eliminate this swing fault.

Another thing!

These exercises and stretches MUST be rotational as that is the requirement of your body when swinging your golf club.

Just think...the more you can utilize your legs as your upper body stays coiled will create tremendous torque and power in your swing. Without swinging any harder you will no launch the ball farther than you have in years!

Once you start realizing that most of your swing faults and deficiencies are "caused" by your physical limitations, you will have an "ah ha" moment, and you will enjoy many years of fun golf!

Do you want to discover the secret to creating more power and consistency in your golf swing.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Golf Pro Tips 017 - Full Swing from a Downhill Lie

Full Swing from a Downhill Lie - FairwayShots - features PGA Teaching Professional Mark Russo. From tee to green and those trouble shots in between, Mark provides 65 quick eye-catching and informative tips to keep the ball in play, save strokes and elevate every golfer's game. KEYWORDS: bbtv broadbandtv pro golf pod target center wedge tee swing ball bunker club flex brace downhill loft fairway aim weight lie tips tip parallel


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Golf Swing Basics To Improve Golf Swing

Golf swing basics comes down to few simple techniques which will help you to improve golf swing skill.

The most important thing you need to know of golf swing basics is the swing itself. Not just standing over the ball and clubbing it few hundred yards down the way but actually understanding and practicing the techniques which makes your swing successful.

Try these simple golf swing basics to improve your golf swing.

1. Always think about the target you are going to hit with the ball. Do not think about anything else. Just take a deep breath and concentrate on your target. This easy tip will improve your accuracy.

2. Keep your arms straight and relaxed. Your arms should be under your shoulders. If you are in correct position your arms should be a few inches from your lover body.

3. Stand comfortably over the ball with your knees slightly bent. Balance your weight evenly on your legs. This helps you in a good initial setup and alignment to the ball. To test your golf swing balance try swinging with a coin on your outside shoe. The goal is to complete swing without the coin falling off your foot. Body balancing helps you to improve golf swing. Trust me this is most important tips . Good balance leads to perfect golf swing.

There is a great number of golf swing guides on the market today. One's helps other not. But all those guides are worthless if you will not practice. Practicing is the key to perfect golf swing.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Golf Swing PGA Tour Pros Tiger Woods

Collection of golf swings from the 2006 Western Open practice round


Friday, August 13, 2010

YE Yang Golf Swing @ 2009 US PGA

YE Yang at the 2009 US PGA Championship practice range at Hazeltine National Golf Club, Minneapolis, Minnesota - www.iseekgolf.com


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Golf Tip: Backswing: Arm Movement; Steven Bann

In the backswing the arms do not move back but rather hinge upwards Steven Bann: Instructor to PGA Tour Pros Stuart Appleby and KJ Choi; Co-director of Bann Lynch Golf at Melbourne Golf Academy; 2006 Victorian PGA Coach of the Year


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Perfect Your Golf Swing

When you first started to play golf, if you were like most of us, you probably stepped up to the first tee without any instruction or training and 'had a go'. The result was almost certainly frustration.

Despite this, you did enjoy yourself, and so you kept playing hoping things would improve. When they didn't, you probably booked a lesson with the local pro. That was also moment when you discovered how expensive they are!

But there is a problem here. Did you know that your muscles have a memory? Oh yes they do! Just think of how automatically you do simple daily tasks like shaving or applying lipstick. The very first time you did those things, you had to really concentrate, but as you repeated the action, it gradually became automatic. Eventually you could be thinking about something else whilst your muscle memory did the job. Have you driven somewhere in your car and afterwards can't remember the trip?

So what is the problem? Well, when you started to play without instruction, you learnt bad habits that are now burnt into your muscle memory, and even though you have since had some proper instruction, those memories are still there. Your next task now is to get rid of them and get your muscles to learn correct techniques.

Now to add to your problem, some of your golfing friends may have offered tips and hints to you to help improve your golf swing. The reason that hasn't helped you is that they may not have a very good swing either, so they are actually teaching you bad habits. Be warned, they may appear to have a good swing because they can hit the ball long and straight, but the reality is they may have one or more major flaws in their swing that they have learnt over time to compensate for.

The golf swing is probably the most challenging part of the game because of the many muscles involved that have to work in unison together. There are so many actions and functions and it only takes one little part to 'get it wrong' and it spoils what otherwise may have been a superb swing.

Let's go back to basics. To improve your swing, you first have to figure out what your faults are. The best way to find that out is to have someone video your swing so you can play it back in slow motion or even frame by frame.

Your stance, your posture, your weight distribution, the ball position, your grip and wrist angle are all absolutely vital, so carefully check that all these are correct. The other really major factor is your mental attitude, whether you are tense or not, whether you have just had a row with someone, or a major set back in life, or just pranged the car.

The golf swing is a huge subject and a full explanation is clearly beyond the scope of this article. For more guidance and training on this, go to a pro or get a good book and study it. In the mean time this article has given you some thoughts to ponder that will hopefully lead to a better understanding of the golf swing and how you acquired the problems in your swing. When your swing is right, the exhilaration with each nice hit will lead to more enjoyment in the game.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Finding the Best Golf Swing Tempo

Finding the best golf swing tempo is one of the things that many players have tried to embark considering the fact that almost each and every great player has the ability to swing each club at quite a comfortable tempo. If you really want to achieve the best swing tempo, then you got to understand that both balance and rhythm are linked, and its when you achieve balance is when you achieve rhythm in that order.

Swing tempos will always vary from one player to the other, one player could display faster tempos compared to the rest and the vice versa applies; at the end of it all though, balance is achieved. Basically, consistency is of essence whenever you want to achieve a perfect swing tempo, make sure that your balance is up to the mark; apply a smooth rhythm as well to support the balance.

Rushing to your swing will probably bring about problems concerning balance and thus bringing out inconsistent and poor ball flight. You will never loose balance especially when you provide outstanding ball strikes, in fact impact and rhythm will always emerge and the end result will be consistent results, which are best referred to as swing easy and hit hard. If you work for great rhythms then you can be assured of a great body sequence and motion together with an excellent force position and power.

Although it might seem difficult achieving golf swing tempo, your target, should always be maintaining tempo and balance and thus attaining the best tempos at the end of it all. Ensure that you always feel your weight distributed and balance between your heels, your toes on the other hand should be placed close to the balls of your feet. As you approach the pivot point, allow your weight to move towards the back point of your foot, in fact 75% of your weight should be on the back side of your foot and the remaining 25% on the front foot.

You should have realized that watching the placement of your weight is of essence, especially when you need to achieve golf swing tempo. Your weight must not move away from the back foot; not even once. This is basically because it is a great determinant to achieving balance and rhythm, the key determinant to achieving a perfect tempo. It's never hectic, especially when you embark on the above tips, try it out today, you could be the next top golf player.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

How Helpful Are Golf Swing Training Aids?

A lot of golfers write me and ask about various golf training aids that they have seen or that their golfing buddies have recommended. First let me start out by saying that I am not against swing trainers. There are some that I use and recommend, but I also have seen a lot of junk on the market that many golfers buy and see zero results from using them. But I don't position myself as an expert on swing trainers, so if there are some out there that I am not familiar with, please feel free to email me about them and I will check them out and get back to you.

First I want to talk for a minute about who, in my opinion, should use swing trainers and for what purposes. Then I will mention a couple that I like personally. What I am attempting to do in this article is give you an objective opinion that will help you to determine what is best for your golf swing.

I believe that players of all abilities can benefit from golf swing trainers. But what they use them for and which ones, I believe, is a golf cart of a different color. First let's talk about beginner to intermediate golfers.

For beginner golfers especially, I think that a swing trainer that focuses on the basics or fixes major flaws can help. I don't think that these golfers should go for something that increases power or distance or that works on perfect swing plan. They are not quite ready for that yet. Usually beginner golfers should focus on things like grip, stance, tempo, fixing a major slice or hook, and making consistent solid contact. I'll talk a little later about some training aids that can help with these types of things.

Now for the more advanced golfers, there are an abundance of devices that can help everything from power and distance, tempo, manufacturing a fade or draw, and several other things. Many of these golfers are already very good and may only be fine tuning their golf swing. But I would still recommend a little advice from your teaching pro if these golfers are considering tweaks to their golf swing using a training aid.

Now to some specific recommendations for golfers on swing training aids. For beginning golfers, two problems that I see quite consistently are swinging too fast and major slice problems. And there are a couple of simple swing training aids that help very nicely with both of these problems.

The first of these is the Kallassy Swing Magic. It is a simple trainer that can really help with a slice problem. It is a club the size of a normal golf club although it's not made to hit actual golf balls. But it has a sliding part for one of your hands (depending on whether you are right or left handed) that helps pull your swing into good position to hit a straighter shot or even a slight draw. It can really help eliminate a slice. It is simple and easy to use as well.

Another helpful and simple swing training aid for beginners is the Swing Tempo from GP Golf. It is a simple electronic device that can really help you develop a slower, smoother tempo for your golf swing. And as many of you golfers already know, slower and smoother usually equals a better golf shot.

In another article I will talk more about specific golf swing training aids for the more advanced golfers.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Stay On Plane with Every Swing using the PurePoint Golf Swing Plane DVD

PurePointGolf.com and head teaching pro Bobby Eldridge want to help you make clean consistent contact with all of your clubs by staying on plane. Use the helpful tips from this video to keep your swing on plane and make cleaner well timed contact on every shot. Available in Early February 2009.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Understanding Golf - How to "Swing Through the Ball"

Aviara Golf Academy in Sunny Carlsbad, CA welcomes you to view these informative videos hosted by Kip Puterbaugh - visit us at www.aviaragolfacademy.com


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Golf Swing Troubleshooting

Every golfer player knows that in order to lower their scores they need to learn about golf strategy as well as tips on how to help with golf swing. Below we provide you with some golf swing troubleshooting tips which should help to ensure that you get the most out of your swing every time you play.

Golf Swing Troubleshooting

When it comes to aiming at a target a golfer can cause themselves to miss aim in a couple of ways. The first is because they place their body in such a position that it is this which is aimed at the target. What you should be doing in order to aim correctly at the target is to have your club sitting at right angles to the target which you align your body parallel left to it. It will take quite a bit of practice on your part in order to get you to align your body and club correctly when you actually play a game of golf on a course. The best place to practice this position is at the driving range where you can pick a target that you wish to aim at. Then you get another one of your clubs a few feet in front of you in line with the target. Then take another club and place this parallel to the first but in line with your toes so that it shows how your body is aligned. Then you just start to need hitting a few balls and after a while you will find that you are easily able to train both your body and eyes to accept the way in which you are aligning your body now.

If you are looking to get more distance and less loft out of your shot you need to spend time evaluating how you actually move through the swing to the stage where you hit the golf ball. If you find that your swing is quite steep it may be advisable to come lower the loft and if you are someone who finds that they have a much shallower steep swing then it may be worth your while actually raising your loft higher. By raising your loft you will be able to provide maximum low spin but it will launch the ball much higher when it is in flight. It is best that your launch angle should sit somewhere between 13 and 14 degrees at all time.

When it comes to using different golf swing troubleshooting tips it is important that you always relate the position of the ball to your upper body. A lot of golfers today will use their feet as a way of judging a balls position and this will in most cases actually give the illusion that it is in the correct position when it isn't.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Fix Your Golf Swing Faults - Fast

How many hours have you spent (wasted) trying to correct a golf swing fault?

I know that when I first starting learning this game it was really just an endless succession from one swing fault to the next. I'd apparently fix one, but the compensation patterns that I adopted to do so would lead to another...and another...oh friggin' brother!

I began to study this frustrating issue from a neuro-muscular (brain-muscle) standpoint. And then it all began to make sense. It was somewhat de-moralizing, but at least it made sense.

What I discovered is that our bodies and our brains put together what is called a "motor engram". This is basically a movement pattern that becomes programmed into our computer (brain).

You develop motor engrams all the time for repeated tasks. For example, most everyone can stick their car key into their ignition without one bit of thought. Your body/mind has a motor engram that knows the height and angle for the key to fit perfectly, without you thinking about it.

Get a new car, however, and you're going to miss quite a few times. At the very least you are going to have to think about it, until you establish the new motor engram.

That's exactly what happens in the golf swing. Your body/mind has a motor engram of "golf swing". And then you go and change the position of the ignition! Of course there is going to be trouble.

And here is the really sad news - science tells us that it can take up to 10,000 repetitions of a movement to UNlearn a motor pattern and RElearn a new one.

So there you have it...when an instructor or golf magazine tells you that it takes TIME and PRACTICE to change your bad habits, they have science on their side.

Fortunately for all of us, there is a better way.

The emerging field of energy psychology (EP) can quickly and easily accelerate your golf swing changes. EP can "clear" negative feelings and emotions by "tapping" on certain points on the face and body, while focusing on the feeling. What I realized is that the major problem with implementing new golf swing mechanics is that they usually felt awkward, uncomfortable, weird, etc. So EP can eliminate those feelings, by-pass your current motor engram and dramatically reduce your learning curve.

Instead of 10,000 repetitions, your golf swing can feel comfortable and confident in 1 minute. By getting past your imperfect motor engram, your learning curve will be dramatically reduced.

Change is good. Change at lighting speed is even better.

Monday, August 2, 2010

PurePoint Golf Video Lessons - Golf Swing Secrets for Full Swing Shots

This video from PurePointGolf.com shows you some tips on his full swing golf shots. How to correct some common mistakes that you might be making.
