Thursday, September 30, 2010

Try These Easy Golf Swing Tips

How many times do we do it - we come off the golf course, completely disgruntled with the round we have just played, and turn on the Golf channel on TV to try and find that elusive good swing tip. Of course when we do this we are just bombarded with a perplexing array of artificial aids that are somehow supposed to instill in us the good habits inherent to a great golf swing. I dare say if we bought into some of them we would turn up at the driving range looking like we were on a NASA mission to Mars, with various bits and pieces strapped on to or hanging off us.

Firstly do remember; if it ain't broke - don't try to fix it. You see this with professionals as much as amateurs. They convince themselves something's not right with their swing, pay a guru to come up with changes to it and still not see any improvement in their game. We've all seen out on the course some atrocious swings: flat ones, loopy ones and downright off balance ones. But if you're getting distance and accuracy - don't worry. Not everyone has the physique and suppleness of Tiger or Sergio.

Having said that I have got absolutely no doubt that a good golf swing tip is - get help from your club professional. A few dollars spent with him or her will result in your - individual/personal - golf swing being analyzed and being told what to do to correct it. Again, it's not a question of having the perfect swing, what you need is a consistent swing that strike after strike will deliver the ball the same distance.

That way you are not falling short of or over shooting your target, leaving you with awkward shots that pile the strokes onto your card. After that lesson what do you need to do? Practice that swing of course, it's no good just going out once a week on the course and expect great results. You have got to make that swing second nature to yourself. As instinctive as knowing exactly how much to turn the steering wheel in your car, now when was the last time you needed to think about that!

We all know that a lot of our golf swing problems are in our heads. My golf partner and I are both high handicappers, after a bad shot we will both turn to each other and say - "I should have walked away and re-set before playing that shot" or "I knew I was gripping too tightly". But oh no, that little demon tells us in our heads - "... it is OK you will adjust it in your down-swing ..." etc. We both know we have got decent swings for our handicaps, but we also know that a bad shot is often due to losing concentration for a moment. Now then where did I put that book on 'Zen and the art of golf'?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Simplify Your Swing - Golf Swing Thoughts

Ok, you spend the time on the track, the magazines you subscribe to all golf, golf library fills the entire library, go to your local golf pro once a month or more, and still can not find a match with the your golf game.

What's your problem?

They are bombarded with too much information. You have 15 swing thoughts and your brain can not simply all.

Let's face it. There are many ways to> Swing a golf club. Turn off the tournament this weekend and count how many successful professionals do not swing the club like you were taught.

What is the golf swing? This is hitting a little white ball with a bat. Do you really need page after page, hour after hour of teaching difficult? The short answer ..... no!

I must admit. After the game, many of the most popular sport for many years, golf is definitely the hardest. Two swings, which Exactly the same feeling you can get completely different results. A good shot is usually followed by "Wow, did I?" The last few years, I have my ongoing research to improve. Many say that I have a pretty good swing, but I usually shoot in the 80s and 90s, sometimes close to a 100th My mind is full of thoughts on my position, my grip, my swing plane, my weight ARGH turn, my ......!

I used to have some idea of the basic reproduction> Golf.

Keep your head level (not quite yet, not only the largest rise or dive down).

That my weight on my right leg (I'm right) is transmitted to bend, but the leg and let the tension build and go into the ground, not to get on the outside.

Having a good contact. That's it.

Years later I change my swing, I can still go back to my old technique. It is far from perfect, but produced a solid golf ball and hit scores order, without anyStress.

So the question ....... I for years to give up all the work over the past 5 and return to the old swing? No, but ........ I'll change my mind. Most people spend a bit 'of time playing golf know how to swing the bat, and no one knows your swing better than you.

So my advice .... Choose 1 or 2 to think about things when the stick. These thoughts are not even about anything specifically related toto the swing, just something to keep you focused on the task at hand........making good contact with the golf ball.

Don't fill your mind with too much garbage. You have swung the club thousands of times. Your body knows what to do so let it....AND....when things go bad, just let it go. Don't is a game and meant to be fun.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Golf Tips - Golf Swing Help

Do you feel like you need a little golf swing help? Don't worry your not alone. A golf swing is an extremely complex movement for your body and doing it right every time is extremely challenging. I'm going to give you a few easy tips to help you work on your golf swing but remember perfecting your golf swing takes a long time and a lot of practice so don't expect to master it in a weekend.

I feel like a broken record every time I write this but that just shows how important this is. Just about every golfer starts out holding the club wrong. When I say wrong I'm not talking about hand positioning. What I mean is you have to stop strangling the club to death. You have to loosen up that grip. Whether you are trying to improve your accuracy or your power the first thing I recommend is to check if you are holding the club too tight. Some people will start off with a loose grip but as they continue swinging the grip tends to tighten. You have to make a mental effort to check your grip on each swing.

Another tip I can give you is to make sure you are properly aligned to the ball. The correct way to do this is to align your club with the ball first. Do not get into your normal stance before you line the club up with the ball you should be adjusting your body to the club after. Just set the head of the club on the ground directly behind the ball and adjust your stance without ever picking the club off of the ground. This will help you hit the ball as straight as possible.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Golf for Beginners : Golf: Swing Length

The golf club should not go too far if at all past parallel if you want consistency in your golf shots. Learn more about proper golf swing length from a professional golf instructor in this free golfing video. Expert: Dustin Daniels Contact: Bio: Mark Siebel owns DOGGIE STEPS Dog Training, and teaches agility basics and dog tricks. Filmmaker: Dustin Daniels

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Golf Robot Technology Intro

This is an actual robot that can completely and totally perfectly reproduce any full golf swing or chipping regardless if its right or left handed! The single main purpose of this robot is so that a person can actually feel the swing the golf pro wants them to reproduce. Although you could have fun and feel pretty close to what Tiger or a Furyk swing feels like it would quite honestly be totally useless because you are not in their condition, you dont have their flexibility, speed, co-ordination etc. you are not them. The golf robots real intention is that a trained golf pro can have you FEEL exactly what they want you to do. Telling you, talking to you, showing you is NOT THE SAME AS FEELING IT. The swing assist golf robot gets you to the AH-HA moment sooner than any other technology in existence. And of course it has a lot of golf pros against it because for many its too expensive, its too intimidating and too many small minded pros might think it replaces them when in actual fact is does just the opposite, it puts them in demand because they can accomplish what most pros cant and do it faster and in less lessons. For the first time ever, you can have a way to FEEL what you are supposed to do. Ideally your pro would create the perfect swing for your body and ability in order for YOU to get the best possible contact with the golf ball and then you would feel that swing 4 or 5 times, then step back and try to replicate it via shadow swinging. Then once again step forward ...

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

Tiger Woods - Driving Range 2008

Tiger warming up before last day at the Desert Classic 2008 in Dubai

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Proof the PPGS Works!

Don Trahan outlines a study that was done on the Peak Performance Golf Swing. Showing proof positive that less is more. A shorter backswing produces, on average more clubhead speed.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Your Golf Swing Is Good Enough

If you watch the Golf Channel or read any of the magazines and books on golf, it will be very hard for you to miss the basic theme that "There is a perfect swing and you will do the most for your game by trying to get it". Even when you watch a tournament on TV, you see the commentators participate in this conspiracy by showing us frame-by-frame analysis of the pro and critiquing his/her every move. Now, maybe we can give the TV guys a break because they are just trying for some entertainment value and let's face it, most of us are interested in the details of the swing because we've been brainwashed by years of this theme.

For many years, I too was a "swing zombie" in my quest to improve my golf game. I even participated with a group of golfers that all had our swings videotaped and then we critiqued each other in a classroom setting. The feedback I received from all of us watching my swing ran from "very smooth" to "way off-kilter". Everybody had a differing opinion of many of the swings that we watched and at least for me, it only confused me more.

In my younger years, I had a typical amateur slice swing that obviously came out of my years of playing baseball and softball. In those days, I would just aim for the left edge of any fairway and I could count on the ball moving left to right, at worst ending up in the right rough but usually hitting the fairway. I enjoyed playing golf those days but I always felt that something was missing. So when I could finally afford it,I decided to take a set of lessons from a pro. Of course I told him that I wanted to get rid of my slice swing and he asked me back "are you sure?". This answer kind of shocked me but he was a very good instructor and by the end of the lessons, I was able to hit the ball out of bounds both ways, left and right. I figured that it would just be a matter of time until I "dialed" in to hitting it straight. To make the story short, 5 years later and I was still "dialing" and getting wrong numbers (ob, jail, water,no score improvement, etc.).

Looking back, I honestly believe now that if I had stuck with my old left to right swing and just used the rest of what I learned from the pro, that I would have improved significantly. Why? Because I was a typical golfer and not a 12 handicapper trying to become a single-digiter (a good golfer trying to become a great one). Studies have shown that the overwhelming majority of amateur golfers shoot in the 90's or above for men and it's over 100 for women. If you are in that group, then you really should be working on parts of your game that will give you far more efficient score improvement for the time and effort spent. This would primarily be in the area of the short game and the mental game.

This is absolutely true for the average golfer but it may be true for all golfers as well. There is loads of evidence on the pro tours that the ones making the money are those best at chipping and putting. The golf research guru himself, Dave Pelz, actually followed tour players around for years taking detailed statistics and he proved it (see his book, My Short Game Bible). In addition to that, there are too many pros to list that admit that their swing is not "technically correct" or maybe not even very good...BUT THEY WIN TOURNAMENTS! Look at Jim Furyk, 2003 U.S. Open winner. He actually has a big loop in his backswing. Lee Trevino always told people that they should not copy his swing. Even Jack Nicklaus says in his books that he wasn't a very good ball striker. Bruce Lietzke has won tournaments on the PGA and Senior tours playing his left-to-right shot his whole career - And he says he rarely practices! On top of that, the tours are littered with past champions that totally lost their game AFTER they tried to change it for the better. And now they are begging their sports psychologist to help them "find" their old swing.

I have talked to PGA golf instructors that say it's their clients that want the swing advice (just like I did) even when they recommend working some other part of their game first. So maybe it's our own fault in creating the current situation where average scores of amateurs have not dropped one stroke in the last 50 years despite the advances in equipment technology. Now don't get me wrong, if you are a total beginner, maybe you should start out with learning the basics of the golf swing with a lesson. But if you're hitting it solid most of the time, you are good to go for a real scoring quest as more swing advice is not the quickest way for you to drop your score. There is just so much more that you can do, on and off the course, that will pay you back in saved strokes for far less time spent than "fixing" your swing. Most of us have precious little free time that we can work to improve our games so why not work on that which will give us the greatest bang for our (time) buck?

And so, let me be the first to make a pledge to the golf spirit inside me (I always thought that golf is like religion):
"I for one, do solemnly swear that I will not pay attention to any swing advice of any sort until I can score in the 70's consistently with the swing I have (and maybe not even then)".

Monday, September 20, 2010

A Full Golf Swing Isn't Possible

The full golf swing isn't possible UNLESS you have optimum golf swing flexibility. Try and try, you won't get there til you start stretching your golf muscles specific to the FULL golf swing. There are key muscles you NEED to stretch daily to get to the point of making a full shoulder turn on your backswing.

If you're a senior golfer, you've no doubt lost a TON of motion in your golf backswing. I've been paired with many older golfers and 90% of them are not physically capable of making a full backswing. I see they are trying, but what happens with this "trying" is TENSION. When tension creeps in you lose clubhead speed and distance.

At this point, you're better off accepting your loss of motion and making a shorter swing that you can control. When you decide to start stretching your golf backswing muscles, you will then be able to slowly make a bigger and bigger swing, eventually getting to the desired full golf swing position.

It's amazing when you look at the "cause" of why you can't make the golf swing you so desire. Like any other sport, you must train your body to perform at its best. If you don't, then just accept your performance AND enjoyment of the game are going to continue to decline.

This should NOT be an option for you! I know you love the game, so why not take it to another level, and get in shape to play better golf?

Do you want to discover the secret to creating more power and consistency in your golf swing... AND eliminating ALL your swing faults?

Download this:

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Achieving Good Golf Swing Mechanics

Whether you are new to the game or have been playing golf for years, your focus needs to be on your golf swing. Of course there are other factors, such as, golf equipment, wind strength, golf ball and the player himself. Still, the motion of the swing is the defining factor that determines your success or frustration of playing golf. A few suggestions that might help you achieve your goal of playing golf with happiness and fun. These are the basics, but, can lead to great things on the golf course.

1. Ask yourself a couple of questions. Do you have a good balance? What about your playing stance, is it wide enough or too wide?

2. You can obtain help from professionals through coaching. You could either have a instructor or you could start purchasing a few videos about the swing.

3. No matter what you do, practice is the key. A golf swing is only perfected through constant practice. No matter what the conditions are,Tiger Woods is known to practice in rain and wind.

4. Watching and studying only will give you the theory, practice is the only way to accomplish a functional golf swing that will keep your ball on target.

5. Watch a training video that would fit you, then begin practicing the skills that are taught. The mechanics of the simple golf swing is really designed for the average person. You do not have to be a an athlete to have a good golf swing.

6. A steady back swing or takeaway ensures that the force comes from your arms. Keep your hands still. One clean sweeping movement.

7. The down swing, on the other hand, calls for a clean arc in the opposite direction. Good advice would be to pull your left arm coming from the top. If you keep the club head pointed toward the landing spot you have picked out the speed should be sufficient all on its own.

8. You can tell that you have made a good finish if your right knee is facing the target with your right foot up. Your hands should be very near your left ear.

It is important to keep in mind that good golf swing mechanics means the swing is comfortable for you. What is really important, you enjoy the game of golf and look forward to the adventure every time.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Charlie King Spring 2010 Golf Swing Tuneup Golf Magazine Top 100 Teacher, Charlie King demonstrates 3 keys to tuning up your golf swing after a long, cold winter

Friday, September 17, 2010

Best Golf Swing Improvement Tips

If you're like most golfers, you want to improve, not just hack around the golf course. Golf is a difficult game to master and most golfers don't have the time it takes to practice, practice, and practice to significantly improve. Most golfers don't know that eighty percent of the world's golfers have a handicap of 18 or more.

Visualize where you would like the ball to land, as you swing. Approach the game with a positive attitude and repeat affirmations if you can, such as "I play great golf all the time." Overall, you generally want to play golf with confidence.

It's difficult for a golfer to practice hitting shots longer than short pitch shots unless one pays to play golf or pays to practice at a driving range or indoor golf training facility.

At the end of a swing, the weight has shifted almost entirely to the left foot, the body is fully turned to the left and the hands are above the left shoulder with the club hanging down over the players' back. One of the problems that most inexperienced golfers share is they think too much about their swing.

Use the muscles in your legs and trunk when you swing. The backswing is a rotation to the right, consisting of a shifting of the player's body weight to the right side, a turning of the pelvis and shoulders, lifting of the arms and flexing of the elbows and wrists. At the end of a backswing the hands are above the right shoulder, with the golf club pointing more or less in the intended direction of ball flight.

Putting can become a nightmare and a condition called the 'yips' has affected not only amateurs but professionals as well; get expert advice and consider a golf swing aid. Use the basic 'hitchhiker' position when you're working on your backswing. Standing over the ball for too long a time and wondering whether you're going to swing the club correctly can easily result in a skewed shot, or completely missing the ball. Swing slowly and steadily using a nice rhythm. Sidespin occurs when the clubface is not aligned perpendicularly to the plane of swing.

Don't underestimate the value of fitness when it comes to your golf swing and your overall golf game. Once you understand that you can change your swing by using a simple technique, you'll never underestimate golf fitness again. It's no secret; most of the professional players actively participate in workouts.

Golf aids are often for sale at your pro shop or local golf shop. Golf swing aids will improve your golf game. Be careful about the claims on TV commercials and magazine ads; seek expert advice before you buy because they may not live up to their claims.

Overall, investing in golf swing aids will greatly improve your golf swing and your golf game. Whether you're a seasoned golfer or just starting out, pick just one golf swing aid and go to work on your swing. Golf magazines often review the newest golf swing aids and are reviewed by golfers, making it easy to choose the right one for you.
Sporting goods stores have golf aids to improve your game. There are golf swing aids that will help you with swing alignment. Look for golf swing aids at your local golf course. There are a number of good golf swing aids on the market today. You can find golf swing aids that will help you with your wrist and arm position.

Now is the time to fix that golf swing forever. Practice, practice, practice! Pick out something every week to concentrate on and help you improve your golf swing and golf game.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Super Hip Move!

Watch this golfer use his hips for maximum clubhead speed...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Physics of the Golf Swing

Properly swinging a golf club makes a huge difference to your game. Physics is written all over the golf swing, with a good example of angular motion. The twisting action of the golf swing produces torque on the golf club. The torque gives the club angular velocity, producing rotation. Most club heads weigh about the same; to hit a long ball club head velocity is key. At the bottom of the swing the faster the club head goes, the more kinetic energy will be transferred to the ball. Because kinetic energy is proportional to the mass of the club head and the square of its velocity. Generally Pro golfers can achieve club head speed of 100 mph at the bottom of swing. Tiger woods can reach 125 mph. Research done by Raymond Penner physicist at Malaspina University-College in British Columbia. The angle between the club shaft and the club face of a driver, depending on the club speed which there's an optimum lie angle. To illustrate, Raymond found that 7.5 degrees of angle lie would maximize Tiger's drive. However golfers who have a slower golf swing, this angle would be closer to 20 degrees of lie. People will typically try and hit the ball harder by snapping their wrists at the bottom of their swing. According to Theodore Jorensen a golf expert who published works on this subject, found that by doing this snapping of the wrists actually slows the club head down however people think there're getting huge amount of power from this action. How can Tiger, who is 6' 1" and weights 158 pounds, manage having one of the longest drives on the Pro circuit. He is able to conserve energy and focus on swinging the club very carefully using proper technique.

Here are four elements that are key to Tiger Woods swing:

At the back of his swing, Woods utilizes his flexibility to reach far back, extending his range of motion while keeping his rotating torso directly over his right leg.

As he begins his swing, Tiger builds up club head velocity by turning his torso quickly and pressing his right leg forward. Throughout his swing, he wastes little energy by maintaining his position above the ball.

Woods drives through the ball, using his hips, shoulders and wrists to concentrate his force and crate a very high initial ball speed. Within 2 feet off the tee the ball is travelling at around 180 mph - 20 mph faster than the average tour pro.

Tiger allows the club head's momentum to extend his follow-through far around his back, completing a long and smooth club head rotation.

The ideal golf swing, the club should be travelling around 100 mph. The ball leaves the tee about 140 mph with 50-60 rotations of back spin per second. This is what maximizes the distance of the drive.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Golf Swing Release Regain Your Distance

The golf swing release can be described as the releasing of power in the down swing at the right moment to get the best possible result. This power is stored in the back swing through the correct hinging of the right wrist. Let us take a look at how you can improve your release and achieve more accuracy and distance.

It all starts with your grip pressure. Most golfers grip incorrectly with their left hand too much in the palm of the hand. This forces you to hold the club tighter than needed and tension spreads to your arms. It now becomes very difficult to let the right wrist hinge naturally on the back swing and create power through the ball.

The feeling that is being created here is locking the wrists on the back swing. Subconsciously you want to be in control of the club and unfortunately you end up restricting the most important move to power and consistency. Release means to "let go," not of the golf club, but of the stored energy you have created in the back swing.

I am a firm believer in a natural or passive release of the club through the ball. If you do certain things correctly then you will not have to "think" of how and when to release the power. It will happen automatically at the right time.

The best place to start working on achieving a natural release is to have your left hand grip holding the club across the base of the fingers, with a feeling of pressure on the last three fingers. You will discover that not much pressure is actually needed to hold the club and feel control. The feeling of pressure in the right hand is on the middle two fingers only. The role of the pressure in these middle two fingers is to simply hold the left thumb and unite the hands in order that they can work as one.

The correct grip pressure now gives you greater feel for the club head when it is set in motion, allowing the right wrist to hinge back on itself automatically in the back swing. Please understand that there is no need to consciously cock the wrists, as this will throw the club off the natural swing path you started it on.

When you left arm is about parallel to the ground half way into your back swing, your right wrist will be fully set or cocked, forming a 90 degree angle between your left arm and the shaft. Your power is now loaded and is carried to the top of the swing by the shoulder turn.

On the return back to the ball this loaded position of the club and wrist should be maintained as long as possible into the down swing. The later it can be held the more power is generated through impact.

A critical move that is necessary to delay this loaded position and deliver a more powerful blow to the ball is to make sure that the hip turn to the left initiates the down swing, and not your shoulders.

A great tip is to feel the hands and left hip work together on the down swing.

When the hands have moved past hip height on their way down to the ball they begin rotating anti clockwise into the ball squaring up the club face.

The power being generated here is through rotation and un cocking the right wrist. The familiar position of the arms crossing over halfway through impact can be seen in all good players.

I hope you understand how beneficial a good golf swing release is and how to apply it to your swing.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Slow Motion Golf Swing

I make lots of slow motion swings.

Is this helpful? I believe it is. The typical golf swing happens in less than a second. How can you see what you actually do in that amount of time? You cannot.

I make it a big part of my practice to do slow swings so that I can stop in various stages of my swing and "feel" the position. I may simply work on a very abbreviated segment of my swing over and over in slow motion until it feels right . Then I pick up the tempo a bit and repeat again over and over. I continue to speed up only if I am retaining the feel. If I lose it I go back to slow.

Here is an example:One day last week I was trying to develop more club head speed because I wanted to try to add another twenty or so yards to my drive. I knew that my current restriction to that gain was my wrist action at impact. I began taking very slow swings and concentrated on the final 18 inches of my impact zone. I practiced slowly swinging through the impact and watched my hands and wrists, working on my release. I did this over and over in slow motion. Then I began hitting balls with the same abbreviated, slow motion concentrating on the impact. I gradually increased the tempo until half an hour later I felt like I was producing the same positions at high speed. My distance did increase. I'll continue this drill the next few times out until I feel it is automatic.

The fact is that I noticed and corrected several things that I never could have seen or felt at high speed.

Try doing slow motion swings when you practice and you will find it helpful.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Golf Pro Lesson Downswing Weightshift Shawn Clement, Director of the Richmond Hill Golf Learning Centre in Toronto Canada, and top 25 CPGA Teaching Professional as rated by Score Golf Magazine, shows you how to shift your weight pressure properly in the downswing.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Improving Balance aural Your Golf Swing

Balance is a term used in golf quite often as well. It's a "buzzword" and almost a cliché when it comes to the golf swing. I am sure you have heard numerous times from swing coaches that "you have to stay balanced when swinging your club." Others phrases that I hear when we talk about golf and balance are the following: "When it comes to a sand shot, dig your feet into the stand so you can stay balanced," "If the ball is on an uphill lie and above your feet, make sure you swing through the ball, and stayed balanced," and "Stay balanced when hitting the driver and get to the finish position in perfect balance." The list could go on and on, and I am sure all of you could probably add to the short list above.

Two questions always arise in my mind when I hear the word balance in association with golf: 1) what does balance exactly mean, and 2) how do I create balance in my golf swing?

I am going to answer both of these questions. We will first define balance and its relation to the golf swing. Secondly, we will discuss how you develop the balance capacities of your body in relation to the golf swing. So without further ado let's get started.

What is Balance?

This is a really great question and the perfect way to begin. What is the definition of balance? Think about it for a minute and then write down a couple of your answers.

The definition of balance is simply the ability to control your body during movement.
Balance is the ability of your body (i.e. nerves, muscles, and skeleton) to swing a golf club effectively and efficiently on the correct path without changing the position of your body in such a way that it is detrimental to the swing and its outcome (i.e. contact with the ball). Pretty simple definition when you break it down, and from now on when your swing coach says, "You have to stay balanced," you know what he is talking about.

Developing Balance in Our Golf Swing

Now, for the second question of this article: "how do we develop balance in relationship to our golf swing?"

I will first say that developing balance in your swing is a combination of a couple of factors. The first and probably most obvious factor is mechanics. The golf swing is a biomechanical movement that requires the body to take the club through a specified swing path in a certain sequence and timing. The body must learn the biomechanical movement of a golf swing to become efficient with the movement. As your body becomes aware of the movement, more efficient with the movement, and has a better "feel" for the movement, the concept of balance in your swing will improve. So the first part of developing balance in your swing is linked to the mechanics of the swing and becoming more efficient with these mechanics. This all funnels down to two things: 1) proper instruction about the swing, and 2) practice. Practice, practice, and more practice is necessary to create better balance in your swing.

The second factor has to do with a term that many of you have probably heard before. That term is "muscle memory." Realize that within your body the skeleton is controlled by your muscles, muscles are controlled by nerves, and the nerves are told what to do by your brain. The messages sent to your muscles through your nerves by the brain create movement (i.e. muscles working to make the body move). These movements can either be efficient or inefficient. Inefficient movements by the muscular system tend to be "sloppy" and "unrefined." Efficient movements are just the opposite. Efficient movements by your muscular system are refined and technical. Improvement in balance is a result of the latter (i.e. efficient muscular movement). Efficient muscular movement is developed through training the muscles and nerves of your body to become more efficient. This is not done through typical exercises like bench press or leg press, but through stabilization and balance exercises.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Golf Swing Software - Assist You to Improve Your Swing

Today, there are many golf teachers that already use golf swing software in their job. You may also want to make use of this software to assist you analyze your swing. To be sure, this type of software is used to analyze a number of problems in your swing so that you will be able to fix your mistakes later.

With the golf swing software, teachers now will be able to point out the problems of his or her student's swing more effectively. Principally, this software works when your teacher video tapes your swing. However, this technique changes today where a digital video camera becomes the more effective way to record your swing.

Then, your swing will be put into this type of software so that the software will analyze the diverse parts of your swing. This software will aid your teacher pick your swing apart and look it over in detail.

It is significant to keep in mind that golf swing software is a tool applied by teachers to help you improve your swing. A piece of software in the hands of someone that does not know how to use it is pretty much worthless.

Adding a Personal Touch

Although utilizing the software is the best idea to assist teacher to advance your golf game, it is essential to remember that you will be able to be the best golfer with your own natural rhythm. Therefore don't expect to look at the software and then quickly increase your swing. This game not mechanical and you are not a robot so be prepared to go through lost of personal training and also analysis.

Furthermore, you can use golf swing software [] to analyze your golf swing broken. Actually, you'll be able to develop your game if you can benefit the software correctly.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Increase Golf Swing Speed and Distance

Most golfers are looking to improve their golf swing speed and power in order to improve their driving distance. In fact, the speed of your club face when it hits the ball has a direct bearing on the momentum it imparts to the ball.

Physical fitness and your golf swing techniques determine your club head speed. You have to be fit and flexible to get the maximum golf swing speed. If you are flexible enough, you should be able to pull up a back swing and let it go with all the potential energy and power it contains. Most golfers do not realize the importance of follow through in a golf swing sequence. In fact, it is a very important part because the faster you hit the ball with your club, the farther it will go. If you use a heavier club your ball will go farther, and with a lighter club it will not be able to go as far. So the first change you can make is to use a heavier club to drive farther.

There are other variables such as the loft of your club and the type of ball you are using which affect the distance your ball travels, but we shall assume that these variables are constant. As speed equates to distance, if you prepare yourself for a full follow through you will hit the ball with maximum speed. If you do not make an effort to follow through you will unknowingly pull back from the shot even before you hit the ball. So try to concentrate on where you want to end your golf swing sequence and not on what you are trying to hit. By concentrating hard on your follow through you can definitely increase your golf swing speed and distance.

Golf weight and training exercises are the best and the quickest ways to improving your golf swing speed and power. You should realize that your body dictates your golfing ability. Therefore you should train to improve your flexibility. There are 22 types of muscles involved in the forward golf swing. If you condition these muscles properly it will definitely help you to increase your club head speed and you will be able to control your shot better.

Top golfers use rotational exercises to improve their flexibility. This primarily involves loosening the joints and strengthening muscles used in the golf swing drill. Here are some simple golf swing training exercises. Stretching exercises can range from touching your toes to twisting from side to side with a dumbbell. You can also exercise with your club round your shoulders with both arms resting on it. These exercises improve the rotational muscles and allow you to twist farther. Improve your fitness, strength and flexibility and it will improve your golf swing speed.

Click here for more golf swing speed and distance tips

Friday, September 3, 2010

Jim Furyk Swing Analysis

Say you have a kid who plays golf, and he swings like Jim Furyk. He's pretty good, but his swing is definitely weird. Do you take him to a teacher to "fix" it, or do you leave it alone and see what happens? In the vast majority of cases, especially in this modern age, the answer is "make it better, make it follow the rules", whatever they are. But for every Luke Donald or Trevor Immelman or Sean O'Hair (classic swings), there are examples of the other end of the spectrum, the idiosyncratic "homemade" swings of Furyk, Bubba Watson, Ray Floyd, Lee Trevino. The fun thing is to look at all successful swings and see how they work.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Fixing an Over-the-Top Golf Swing : Drill for Correcting an Over the Top Golf Swing

An expert golfer demonstrates a golf configuration drill that you can use to correct an over the top golf swing in this free golfing technique video. Expert: Ray Boone Contact: Bio: Ray Boone knows a thing or two about keeping score. Boone has been involved in the golf game for nearly twenty years. Filmmaker: Paul Muller

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Golf Swing Mechanics Can Be Improved Very Quickly

If you're like most golfers, you're always trying to duplicate that "perfect" golf swing. I know I am. Doesn't it feel great to hit that effortless shot? Don't you wish you could do it every time? That would be a similar feeling of what the pro's have most of the time. It would be such a high!

So what's keeping you from this goal? Do you think you just need to hit more balls? Or, are you already hitting hundreds every week? If that's not working, do you need more golf lessons? Or, have you taken lessons but not seen improvement?

If it's none of the above, then what?

I can tell you almost 100% for's your BODY!

Your body dictates your golf swing. How many times have you felt like you can't make a FULL turn or backswing? Do you think the solution is hitting more balls or taking more golf lessons?

It's not! It's improving your golf-specific flexibility and even strength.

Once you address and improve your physical limitations, your golf swing mechanics fall into place, with very little effort. Unless you don't have a concept of what needs to be done to complete a proper golf swing, in which taking a golf lesson to understand it would be first priority.

The majority of amateur golfers have some kind of physical limitation that keeping them from a great game of golf. It could be flexibility, or it could be strength.

Combining the two is your most effective approach.

Getting a golf-specific evaluation by a golf fitness professional is your first step. Then, you can set up a game plan on what you need to work on and how to do it.

You'd be amazed at how quickly you can improve your golf swing and game with this approach. Don't keep looking for the silver bullet. The answer is in the mirror. Now do something about it!

Do you want to discover the secret to creating more power and consistency in your golf swing... and eliminating ALL your swing faults?