Sunday, January 16, 2011

Golf Swing Tips - Five Tips on How to Quickly Break 80 for Duffers

Golfers by nature have a penchant for wanting to become better players. Other than those who only play occasionally as a business or social event most all of us are searching for golf swing improvement of some type or another. For so many of us our golf dream is to eventually break 80.

As an avid golfer who has finally mastered my swing well enough to break 80 after years of frustration, I can show you with confidence certain tips and tricks that will help you to quickly break 80.

I went through the gamut of golf swing improvement. I took lessons, read magazines, bought multiple trainers and gadgets all with the expectation that they would be the key to breaking 80. I tried some great products that work well and others that failed miserably.

So take it from someone who has been where you are, I understand your situation and want to help you with your quest for golf swing improvement. You can break 80! It takes diligent focused practice and a few powerful tips to help improve your all round golf game

Here are some tips on how to break 80 quickly:

Stance - The position of your feet plays a major role in your ability to execute a proper swing. It is important for the upper body to be supported by the feet during the swing since they have to support a lot of force generated during the downswing. Feet should be about shoulder width apart with eyes, shoulders, hips and knees square to the target line. If your stance is too narrow, you could lose balance which is absolutely critical to a successful swing.

Grip - Learning the proper golf grip is not difficult; it just takes a little time and effort. There are three main grip types: Overlap, Interlocking and Baseball. Choose the one the suits you best and work on perfecting it. Most golfers who have played for a while think their grip is correct when in reality it may not be. It is wise to regularly check your grip to make sure you have not made small changes that contribute to big problems.

Top of the Swing - The position of the club at the top of the swing is critical to creating a solid strike of the ball. I recommend maintaining a flat wrist throughout the swing. This refers to the left hand for righties and right hand for lefties. If you can do this it will eliminate the need for a lot of excessive motion to return the club square at impact.

Tempo - We employ a golf swing rather than a golf hit. Avoid the natural tendency to "muscle up" to hit the ball "hard". That will create tension in your muscles and ruin anyone's golf swing. Think about a child's playground swing. If you apply too much force too quickly the chains become loose and seat seems to flop and twist until the forces of get back in balance. On the other hand a smooth even push of the swing seat results in a smooth controlled arc, giving your child a much better ride. Your golf swing is not different.

Strategy - More shots are lost from poor decisions than most of us think. Play safe most of the time when you are trying to break 80. Hit the shot you know will be successful. If you have the option to punch out of the woods safely or go for the green through a risky opening, take the safe route. That way you risk losing only one shot rather than several if you don't make the risky shot. Avoid any shot will less than an 80% chance of success.

You want to improve your golf swing to play better golf and hopefully break 80. It is not nearly as hard as it first appears if you will focus on getting these fundamentals down properly: Stance, Grip, Position at the Top, Temp and Strategy. These tips will help you to achieve this goal, one most every golfer is chasing too, much more quickly than you would have thought possible.

Good luck to you in reaching your goal of improving your golf swing and quickly breaking 80.

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